Then Toni stood up, raising her hand. Poet snapped out of it and stood with her, raising his as well. He didn't know what it was for but he trusted her judgment. 

The majority of the bar raised their hands as well, Tall Boy shaking his head and walking away.

Toni walked over to Jughead who leaned against the pool table, shaking his shoulder. "Hey Jug, I think there's something wrong with Poet."

Jughead squinted over at the boy who threw peanuts into Robbie's mouth, most ending up on the floor. He looked normal.

Jughead turned back to Toni. "I don't see anything wrong. He looks as normal as always. Why? Do you think something's wrong?"

She shrugged, "I'm not sure. He didn't seem himself. Just keep an eye on him okay? Sometimes he can get...just look after him okay?" 

Jughead nodded, wondering what she meant. "I will."


The letter had scared Poet. The idiots of Riverdale failed The Black Hood's test and now they would all be punished for it. The worst part was he didn't know what to expect. The future scared Poet. He didn't like to admit it but it did. And with the Black Hood looming over Riverdale...there was no telling what would come next.

He took a small swig of his beer and turned to Robbie who sat next to him, trying to catch peanuts in his mouth, Poet getting sick of playing the game earlier. Poet nudged him. "Hey. Have you heard anything from Enoch?"

Robbie shook his head. "Nah. Ask Kusho, I don't think she has either but you might as well call to make sure." Poet nodded and stood, walking towards the door. 

Jughead caught up to him, catching him by the shoulder. Jughead smiled, his eyes squinting slightly. "Hey, curls."

Poet's lips quirked up, "Hey, bubba." He lead them outside, Jughead walking confidently next to him. 

Jughead waited until they were alone before bursting with excitement. "Did you see me out there! Like I stood up to Tall Boy and everything. Shit, I was so scared Poet. But then everyone backed me up and it was good. Holy shit that was amazing." 

Poet chuckled, ruffling Jughead's hair under the beanie. "Poet!" Poet laughed at the boy's red face, Jughead having to fix his classic beanie. 

Poet continued to walk, his hands shoved in his pockets, Jughead mindlessly following him. Poet stopped close to the road, sitting down on some empty crates from the bar. Jughead sat next to him, watching as Poet skillfully rolled a cigarette and lit it with ease. 

They sat in silence. Poet's leg bounced up and down, his fists clenching. Jughead placed a hand on Poet's leg which stopped moving at the touch. "What's wrong?" 

Poet shook his head. "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." Jughead nodded, respecting his words. "Alright. I'm here if you need me okay? I'll be back though, I have to clear some things up but then we can go, alright?"

The other boy nodded, his eyes focused on the ground. Jughead took a deep breath and kissed the top of Poet's head, then speed walked inside in embarrassment. 

Poet smiled, bringing the cigarette back to his mouth. His expression soon dropped as his thoughts caught back up to him. He pulled out his phone, pressing on the familiar contact picture.

He held it to his ear, hoping someone would answer but nothing. He tried again, this time with a different number. Kusho answered.

"Jim's whore house. You got the dough we got the hoe."

"It's me."

"Oh, hey Po. Sorry, I forgot your number."

"Then why not save it as me?"

"Because having people's numbers as their names establishes dominance, my dear boy."

Poet shook his head, dropping the cigarette on the ground and crushing it with his shoe. "Have you heard anything from Enoch?"

A ruffling sound came from the other line before Kusho spoke up. "No. Robbie and Lars haven't either. I'm getting worried. You saw him last, what'd he say?"

Poet sighed, rubbing his face. "Well we were walking back and I mentioned Jughead and he just snapped. He told me he has had feelings for me for like forever. I didn't know what to say. He just stormed off after that. Did you have any idea?"

Kusho gave a long overly dramatic sigh. "Ah you poor stupid gay white boy. He's been in love with you forever. It's obvious. And you talking about Jughead constantly didn't really help. It's a wonder how he just now exploded on you."

Poet rocked on his heels, tapping his fingers. "I know. I know. I'm an idiot. Just-If you hear anything, tell me okay?"

"Alright. Ciao cara mia."

"Ciao, mon cher."

He ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket, letting his head fall back. He took a deep breath, trying to let go of all his emotions.


Poet's head jerked up. He cursed, rubbing his neck. "Oh, hey bubs. You ready to go?"

Jughead nodded, holding out his hand which Poet took, intertwining their fingers. They walked over to Jughead's bike. Poet wrapped his arms around the other boy, burring his head in his back. 

It's gonna be okay. Everyone's gonna be okay.



Hey guys. Sorry, I know it's been a while. My school just switched to a new schedule that's harder than the other one and I was behind on all my work. I'm caught up now but I've had weird writer's block lately. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter! It's more of a filler, I know.

But here's a new chapter. So, read, vote, comment, follow! Love u guys!

(Who's your favorite superhero? Mine are the whole Batfamily, Ironman, and Deadpool)

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