The Adventure Begins

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"Cinderella flew past everything ugly and ordinary..." Wendy continued her story. Wendy was a beautiful girl of 12 years old, with sandy brown hair, and lovely green eyes. She also had the strange ability to create incredible stories that would captivate any audience. Her twin sister, Kayla, had chocolate brown hair that came down to her shoulders, brown eyes, and an inventive mind, she would look at a pile of junk and see unlimited possibility! John and Michael were sitting on the ground wearing their ridiculous pirate outfits, as they acted out the ball scene with a grand battle between Captain Hook, and Cinderella! Kayla sat on her bed, fiddling around with some of her Knick -knacks.
"Bark bark bark!!!" Nana started barking at something out the window.
"Don't worry Nana!" Kayla said, "It's just a bit of.." as soon as she realized that Nana wasn't barking at them, but out the window, she ran over with her siblings.
They saw nothing, not a bird nor a leaf. So they left it at that, for what troubles a grownup, will never trouble a child.

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