"Kept out of trouble," Rory told him.

The Doctor still had the fez in his hands, so he put on his hand as he ran over to a janitor's closet. "Oh. How?"

"Unsuccessfully. The mop! That's how you looked all those years ago when you gave me the sonic."

The Doctor tucked it under his arm. "Ah. Well, no time to lose, then." He pressed the button on the Vortex Manipulator and disappeared. He returned and put the mop through the door handles to hopefully keep it shut. "Oops, sorry," he said.

"How can he do that? Is he magic?" Younger Amy asked the older one.

He disappeared again and then reappeared a second later. "Right, let's go then," he said, about to start running up the stairs, "Wait! Now I don't have the sonic. I just gave it Rory two thousand years ago."

Elise pulled hers out. "What about mine?" she asked.

"Gotta keep the timeline. Sorry, love." He disappeared again.

"She talked!" Amy squeaked out.

"Yeah, she does that now", Rory told her.

The Doctor reappeared. "Right then." He reached inside Amy's jacket and pulled out his screwdriver. "Off we go! No, hang on. How did you know to come here?" he asked the younger Amy.

She pulled out a pamphlet and a post-it note.

"Ah, my handwriting. Okay." He grabbed a pamphlet and a post-it note from the desk and disappeared. He returned with a drink and handed it to the younger Amy. "There you go. Drink up." He started to run up the stairs again.

"What is that? How are you doing that?" older Amy asked.

"Vortex manipulator. Cheap and nasty time travel. Very bad for you. I'm trying to give it up."

Elise rolled her eyes at the bad joke.

"Where are we going?"

"The roof."

A second Doctor appeared at the top of the stairs and tumbled down them. His clothes were singed.

"Doctor, it's you. How can it be you?" Rory asked as the current Doctor soniced the dead one.

"Doctor, is that you?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, it's me. Me from the future."

The future Doctor woke up and whispered something into the current Doctor's ear, before falling back to the floor again.

"Are you? I mean, is he, is he dead?" Amy asked.

"What? Dead? Yes, yes. Of course he's dead. Right, I've got twelve minutes. That's good," the Doctor said.

"Twelve minutes to live? How is that good?"

"Oh, you can do loads in twelve minutes. Suck a mint, buy a sledge, have a fast bath. Come on, the roof."

"We can't leave you here dead," Rory told him.

"Oh, good. Are you in charge now? So tell me, what are we going to do about Amelia?"

Amy and Rory turned around to find her gone.

"Where did she go?" Amy asked.

"Amelia?" Rory called.

"There is no Amelia. From now on, there never was. History is still collapsing," the Doctor told them.

"But how can I still be here if she's not?" Amy asked.

The Littlest Timelord: Cracks in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now