Inspired from: SNOW WHITE (Poem-Story)

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"The Queen's Quest"

A lady saw her figure through the clear glass.

She felt discontentment, she sat on the bed with a class.

The loneliness ate her and came up with ideas.

Ideas run through her mind as fast as the cheetahs.

With ideas that will make her sinful in the eyes of everyone,

Her insecurities shout, "There is someone!"

The Queen ordered to hunt down the most beautiful maiden who ever lived.

Stars were in her eyes as she imagined the face of the maiden being hunted.

The King was concerned about the Queen's hideous planning.

Seven elves were chosen by the King.

They will ensure the safety and protection of the poor maiden,

For he trusted them like they're his children.

The seven elves traveled together through thick and thin.

Doc is the leader, Dopey is the silent one and is lean.

Bashful is very shy, Grumpy is literally grumpy, and the one who sneezes a lot is Sneezy

Sleepy is the Sleeping Beauty of the group, and the very jolly elf is Happy.

They found the forest where rumor spreads like wildfire about Snow,

a peculiar girl who is an ace at making dough.

Minds were running and saying that "here's our mission".

With so much excitement, they almost forgot to ask where's her humble habitation.

The time runs out

The Queen wants to know the maiden's whereabouts.

A traitor stands and leaves their group one night.

Snow and the other elves woke up and lost the fight.

They realized what had happened.

They were divided, and doors couldn't be opened.

The Queen had ordered the task she couldn't do.

Someone had betrayed them, but who?

Snow and the other elves accused Grumpy as the traitor.

The silence broke with Grumpy's "Not guilty" plea.

He may be grumpy to them but still, he's not a perpetrator.

They chose not to believe and leave him be.

Days and nights may have passed, still in that cold gloomy room.

Snow's mind is now traveling to another dimension or a void vacuum.

The hope inside them was eaten little by little but no one cried.

Their wait was over once the Queen entered with the guy who lied.

The smile on his face faded away, his eyes filled with confusion and dismay.

Apologies echoed within the cage, as remorse filled the air like a turning page.

A wave of emotions swept through the room, as they learned it was just the Queen's pursuit of bloom.

Forgiveness embraced them all, as they let go and stood tall.


The story behind this poem: Our creative writing teacher asked us to make a poem out of a known story, in my case, the story of Snow White.

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