The hospital

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Mickey watched as the doctors guided Ian onto a bed, he was given a private room which allowed any family member to visit any time as long as they abided by the 

Ian wasn't just shaking and quiet now, ever since he left with the paramedics he began to perk up, he was talking way too fast and nothing of what he said made sense. 

"Mickey, Mickey we need to go to Disney world" he snapped at Mickey, Mickey smiled up at him "we will Ian, don't worry". 

"Okay, do you think Fiona is having a good time?" tears filled his eyes as he thought of Fiona and his family back home. Mickey stuttered "Ian, I'm sure Fiona is having a wonderful break. You'll see her eventually". 

Ian nodded "yeah" he paused "I wish she could have come to the wedding". 

Mickey sighed "I know Ian". 

Ian's eyes were flickering around the room, looking at everything and nothing at the same time. One minute he was talking about Fiona and then he was talking about the wedding and then he thought about how he always wanted to try homemade lemonade, and how he wanted to make some with Yevgeny, then he spoke about his time in the Juniours Basic Training Army camp and then he wished he knew his real dad Clayton. 

Mickey couldn't help but worry about Ian, he was acting so erratically and he had taken his medication that morning, he watched him take it. Having enough of hearing Ian's stories he grabbed Ian's leg and looked at him "I'm going to get some coffee. Do you want anything?" 

Ian shook his head and Mickey got up and left.

Mickey made his way down the hall and sat next to Svetlana and Yevgeny. Yevgeny climbed up his leg and sat on Mickey's knee "how is Ian?". 

Mickey looked down at Yevgeny, smiling "he's going to be okay. The doctors just want to see him overnight and he'll come home tomorrow. I promise"

Yevgeny smiled "can I see him?". 

Mickey shook his head and held Yevgeny close "I'm sorry Yevgeny, not right now". 

Yevgeny looked sad, he wanted to see Ian. He hadn't known him long but the last few hours in the car with Ian while waiting for his mum and dad he really got to love Ian. Ian put him in the back of the car and played the radio. Songs that Yevgeny didn't know came on so Ian turned it off, looking back at Yevgeny he asked "so, Yevgeny. Do you know you're coming to live with daddy and me?". 

Yevgeny nodded "yes". 

Ian smiled "I want you to know that you don't have to think of me as a parent. I'm your friend okay? I'll always be here if you ever need to talk; if you fall over I'm your guy if you need someone to bail you out of jail I'm your guy. Daddy might be tough and strong but really he's an idiot" Ian laughed, looking back to make sure Mickey was still inside before turning back to Yevgeny "You know" he paused "before daddy and I got married, your dad wanted to kill me". 

Yevgeny stopped his laughter and shrieked "really?" 

Ian nodded, a smirk on his face "I kissed his sister and he wanted to kill me. Until he figured out that he really loved me" Ian shook his shoulders and smiled. 

"Yevgeny?" Mickey questioned as Yevgeny snapped out of his flashback "where'd ya go?". 

"Thinking about what Ian said" Yevgeny laughed.

Mickey furrowed his brows "what did he say?". 

Yevgeny smiled and shook his head "doesn't matter". 

Mickey frowned. 

Svetlana grabbed Yevgeny off Mickey's knee before standing up "I'm going to take him to the motel. Will, we see you there?". 

Mickey nodded before kissing goodbye to Yevgeny "no, I think I'm staying here with Ian. But I'll be back to get Yevgeny before you leave okay?" 

Svetlana nodded before leaving holding Yevgany's hand. 

As they got to the door Yevgeny turned back and shouted: "I love you, daddy". 

Mickey shouted back "I love you too son" and smiled.

Mickey stayed seated, holding his face in his hands for a while. Thinking about the last time Ian had an episode. He didn't sleep for days, he was erratic. Then he slept for two days straight before they dragged him to the doctor. But this time, it wasn't like that, he's been happy. He's been sleeping Mickey knew this. He checked every hour during the night to make sure. He's been taking his medication and he's been calm. This episode came from nowhere. 

Mickey sighed, resting his head on the wall behind him as he closed his eyes briefly. 

He was suddenly awakened by Ian slapping him over the head. Standing up and slapping Ian back "you arsehole I was asleep". 

Ian grabbed his stomach and laughed "I know. We need to go and get Yevgeny before Svetlana leaves". 

Mickey furrowed his brows confused "wait" he stuttered, looking at the clock on the wall opposite them "Ian what did the doctor say?". 

Ian sat down beside Mickey and sighed "It was a bipolar episode triggered by an anxiety attack. They've upped my medication but they said that I slept off the anxiety attack which should ease my episode" he smiled. 

Mickey frowned "I was worried about you, dickhead". 

Ian grabbed his mouth in shock before punching Mickey's arm "don't embarrass yourself, Mickey. Let's go". Ian stood up and held his hand out for Mickey to grab. 

Mickey looked up at Ian and smiled before wrapping his fingers in Ian's as he stood up. 

They left the hospital hand in hand, Ian's shoulder on Mickey's head. 

"I love you asshole" Ian whispered as they walked out of the hospital doors. 

Mickey smiled but kept it to himself "I love you too dickhead". 

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