Ocean's love

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Ian couldn't help but worry about Lip and Freddy back home. He couldn't help it, their whole life the siblings had looked after each other, it's not like Frank or Monica ever looked after them. The closed thing Ian had to a parent was Fiona, but now that she's gone to live her own life, looking after each other is even more important.

Mickey sensed this worry in Ian as they drove up Route 70 towards West Virginia. "So, what are your plans if you don't want to go to Disney?" He briefly looked at Ian without taking his eyes off the road for too long.

Ian looked at Mickey before smiling "skinny dipping in the ocean?" Tilting his toward the ocean beside them.

Mickey's face twisted as though he thought the idea was stupid. Ian frowned "or not?".

Mickey faked a gasp, "no. Ian if there's anything I want to do with you, it's watch your skinny pale ass jump into the ocean" .

Ian laughed as Mickey smirked, Mickey drove the car down the hill leading to the nearby beach. It wasn't long before he found a parking space.

The beach was empty, not a soul in sight. This was good because there was no way Mickey was getting naked in front of a bunch of gawking fat turkeys.

Ian gave a cheeky grin to Mickey before opening the car door and stepping out onto the sand.

Kicking off his shoes he placed them in the car along with his socks, feeling the sand in his toes as he unbuttoned his pants. The warm sand felt like he was standing on burning glass, it was over 90 degrees F with no sign of cooling.

The cars driving past honked as they had good view of Ian's bare ass as he stretched to take off his top, turning around towards the cars, he gave a small wave.

As Ian pealed off the last of his clothing Mickey smirked, leaning forward to kiss his lips. He then turned off the car engine and stepped outside too, feeling the heat of the sun; hitting him like a brick to the face he wiped away the sweat forming on his forehead.

Ian watched in awe as his husband undressed himself in plain view of those driving past the beach.

The cars driving behind continued to honk in both approval and shock as they drove past a totally naked Ian and a half dressed Mickey. They could only assume the worst, those two were about to have sex on the beach. Though that was not the initial plan, Mickey couldn't help but imagine how hot sex on the beach would be with Ian, after all, it is empty.

Once Mickey was fully undressed, he closed the car door and locked it behind him. Looking at Ian across from the car "where the fuck do I put my keys?" He urged, but couldn't control his laughter. How is he supposed to be serious when they're both stood there, in public with their dicks out.

If he wasn't horny before, he certainly is now.

Ian shrugged, "I dunno. Just leave them under the tyre or something".

Mickey shrugged back. If his car gets stolen, they'll both have to walk to the nearest store fucking naked. What a good idea Ian.

He put the keys under the car tyre "Alright Gallagher, race you?".

Ian's face lit up as he nodded. "On your marks..." he paused, realising that Mickey was half way down the beach. "Fuck you asshole" he shouted before running after Mickey. Kicking sand behind him.

"Hurry up" Mickey shouted as his feet hit the water. The scorching temperature made sure the ocean was warm. Mickey liked that it was warm, his body didn't have to adjust so quickly.

He ran deeper into the ocean so that his whole body was covered by water, only his neck and face were visible.

Ian finally made it to the water as he tested it with his toes before walking in.

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