The phone call

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Ian had finally persuaded Mickey to go to Disney World for the day. He was ecstatic, and couldn't wait to see Mickey Mouse. He wants Mickey to meet Mickey! He was almost skipping with joy out of the motel with Mickey following.

They got in the truck and Mickey started the engine, Ian strapped himself in, looking at Mickey "Disney world here we come!" He smirked as Mickey growled.

They drove out of the car park and down the main road, Ian singing along to the radio as Mickey hummed and tapped his fingers on the wheel.

Ian's phone started ringing, so he turned down the radio as Mickey was looking at him in confusion. Why would anyone ring them on their honeymoon? He specifically told everyone to not contact him.

"Wait Lip, slow down"
"What do you mean Freddy's not breathing?"
"Well have you performed CPR?"
"Okay, just calm down Lip. You have too. Where's Tammy?"
"She left?! Are you serious? Okay. Okay just calm down. Breathe"
"Gently give him thirty chest compressions with your two fingers, not too hard Lip because you'll crush his chest, lightly but hard enough to activate his heart again" he paused looking at Mickey with wide eyes "okay, now open his mouth and tilt his head back slightly, not too much... and blow gently into his mouth 30 times"
"Is he breathing?"
"Oh my god Lip fucking hell. Don't fucking fall asleep on him again. He depends on you, you can't just fall asleep on him what if he had of died because you didn't wake up" he paused waiting for Lip to respond "are you fucking serious? You were drunk? Wow Lip. Go to a meeting. Freddy is your priority. Not booze".
"Don't apologise to me"
"No I won't tell Tammy"
"When did you start drinking again?"
"The wedding? Is that when Tammy left?"
"And she just left you with Freddy?"
"Are you serious?"
"Well you have to step up Lip"
"I know you miss her"
"But you're his dad"
"Go to a fucking meeting"
"Do you want me to come home?"
"Well what do you want me to do?"

Ian looked at Mickey for reassurance. Mickey's face was frowned, he was concerned for Lip but also what this could mean for him and Ian. Would Ian's family constantly get in the way of his life with Ian? Is moving to Cleveland a bad idea? His mind raced with questions as Ian spoke to Lip on the phone. His family clearly needed him too. He sighed as Ian said Goodbye to Lip.

Ian looked at Mickey and sighed "Freddy's fine but Lip fell asleep and didn't move him to his crib so he almost suffocated him to death in his bed".

Mickey looked at the road before back at Ian "do you want to go home?"

Ian looked out the window before looking at Mickey and reaching for his hand on the gear stick "I love my family Mickey, but you're also my priority. No I don't want to go home, but let's also do something else. Something exciting. What do you say?"

Mickey looked at Ian briefly as though he had gone insane "are you saying I don't have to meet Mickey fucking Mouse?"

Ian nodded "yeah"

"I'm in. What you thinking?" Mickey beamed. He got out of Disney World again! Thank Fuck.

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