Chapter 4- Is Something Wrong with Me?

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"Wait... youre a-"
"No. I...I don't like being called a girl. It makes me feel sick. I don't know why. Mom always called me her little lion, and I had no problems with it, but she wouldn't call me by the name my dad picked out."
"She cut your hair too?"
the kid nodded.
"Oh...well..What are you gonna do now that you got away from your dad?"
"I don't now. I can get my moms money when I turn eighteen...but I don't know what I'll do until then."
It went quiet for a moment.
"So...what do you wanna be called then?"
"I guess... Lion. Seems to fit...right?"

Someone patting my hand brought me out of my trance.
"Huh. Whats wrong,"
"You stop colour. You OK mister?" the small girl sitting in front of me on the bed said. I Think Lion said her name was Aly. She had come in with Lion earlier because she wanted to meet me. We ended up colouring.
"I'm fine. I was just thinking about something," I said with a smile.
" What you thinking 'bout?" she asked with a curious look.
"Well. It was...."
What was I thinking of?
It seemed like a memory, but I don't think that ever happened to me before.
That person called them self Lion. But...Thats not how I met Lion.
Now that I actually think about it these have been happening to me a lot. But its usually only when I'm asleep. Why did it happen when I was awake?
Is there something wrong with me?
"Cow man!"
And again I was brought out from my thoughts by a now pouting child.
"Ah. I'm sorry," I said chuckling nervously," I was thinking again."
"Well stop thinking," she said," If you don't we not gonna finish before..."
"Ok Aly. time to go," A voice at the door said. Max. He was probably here to give me another check up.
"Awww. But uncie Maxxxxx," Aly wined moving closer to me and hugging my arm.
"No buts. I need to check him. Plus, There are cookies waiting for you in the kitchen," he said with a smirk. Her face instantly changed.
"YAY!" she cheered, scrambling to get off the bed. Once she was she ran out of the room screaming 'COOKIES!' I laughed as Max walked over to me.
"How was your colouring session?" he asked, pulling out a stethoscope.
"She got mad I wasn't using the 'right' colours," I replied. he chuckled.
"Well. That's Aly for you," he said before facing me," Take a deep breath in."
I did as I was told. When he was done I spoke again.
"I still cant believe shes only 2. She seems to intelligent."
"She really is. Open up," he said holding what looked like a Popsicle stick. Again I did as I was told.
"Yep. surprises me herself," He said," Plus shes somewhat sassy. Kinda reminds me of Rohn or Lion sometimes."
Hes one of Lion's best friends. He's bound to know something.
Once I was allowed to talk again I decided it was showtime.
"Hey Max can I ask you something?" I said and he pulled out one of those small blood pressure takers. I couldn't remember the name for them. It was so complicated to remember.
"Sure. After I take your blood pressure though," he said strapping the cuff around my upper arm.
when he was done I asked.
"I hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything. But was Lion... always Lion?" I asked.
"Always Lion?" he question," Whats that supposed to mean?" he asked.
Crap I should I worded it differently.
"Was..he always a he?"
"Like...if he was always a boy?" Max raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah," I said nervously," I kinda had this...dream or...memory or something of a meeting we had as kids. This other kid, who was a girl but didn't like being called a girl, asked me to call her...him, Lion. Its not really a common name. and the only person I know with that name is Lion himself."
"I...That's...interesting. I don't... know the answer to that," he said, bringing a hand to his head," Are you sure it was Lion?"
"Well. I don't. That kinda why I asked," I said.
"Do you know what the person looked like?" He asked.
"Not really. It seemed like a pretty blurry memory," I said.
"Then... Hold on a moment," he said before walking to the door.
Was he going to do what I think he was?
"Yep he was.
a few seconds later Lion walked in.
"Yeah whats wrong. Is something wrong with him?" Lion asked.
"No. He...We... just have a question for you," Max said.
"Well shoot," he said putting his hands in his pockets.
Max took in a breath.
"Lion. Are you trans?" he asked.
"What? what kind of question is that?" Lion asked raising an eyebrow," What brought you to that conclusion." Max looked at me. I sighed and explained my memory.
"That's it. Well I don't blame you for thinking that," Lion said.
"So. are you?" Max asked.
Another silence.
Lion opened his mouth to speak.
"Crap. We'll finish this later," Max said and he left the room. We watched him go. As soon as he was gone Lion closed the door and locked it. He looked a bit startled.
What was wrong with him?
he turned to look at me with an expression that looked like anger mixed with fright.
"How did you know?"

Jerome sighed as he walked through the doors of the base. he took of his coat and boots.
"Did you find him?"
he looked up. Adam stood on the stairs. he shook his head.
"No. There's no sign of him. I've searched everywhere I could. Did you check the village again?"
"I did. No one has seen him," Adam said, sighing.
"And Mitch?" Jerome asked.
"Still knocked out," Adam replied," I think its for the best. Imagine how he'd react to Steven missing."
"Was what he said true though?" Jerome asked," About Steven killing their dad?"
" Steven did what now?"
They both looked to the top of the stairs. There stood Mitch, holding his head and using the wall for support.
"Mitch youre awake," Adam said running up the stairs to help Mitch stand," How are you feeling?"
"Like crap. Wheres Steven?" he asked.
Jerome and Adam did'nt respond. Mitch looked at the two of them.
"Guys. Wheres my brother?"
"Hes been gone for 3 days. We don't know where he is," Jerome finally said.
"3 days?!" Mitch echoed, though a bit louder than Jerome. Mitch swore under his breath before heading for his room again. He came back with his winter coat and headed straight for the door. Before he could leave, though, Adam stopped him.
"Wait, wait, wait. Where do you think you're going?" He asked as Mitch tried to push past him.
"Where do you think," Mitch snapped at him," I'm going to find my brother."
"Oh no you're not," Adam said," You're in no shape to go out. Not to mention the snow."
"I don't care. Steven is out there and I have no idea where he is. He Dosent have anyone to protect him!" Mitch yelled at him.
"Steven is a grown man! I'm 100% sure that if he was able to make friends with mobs, he'll be fine!" Adam yelled back. Mitch let out of frustrated groan as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Adam I don't want to have to fight you. Let me go find my brother," he said before adding," How could you let this happen anyway? Why did he run off in the first place?"
Jerome and Adam looked at each other, then back at him.
" really don't remember?" Jerome asked.
"Remember what," Mitch snapped at Jerome.
"What? The words came from your mouth. He left because you said he killed you guy's father," Adam said. Mitch's eyes widened in shock.
"What? I never said that!" He said,"All I remember was that you guys came into the base, Jerome was injured, Steven was unconscious. We started patching Jerome up and then....a-and then...." he brought his hand to his head, his face beginning to contort in pain.
"Benja?" Jerome asked, making his way to his friend," Whats wrong?"
"I. I don't know. I don't... I don't remember what happened. It's all blurry. As soon as I tried to recall my head just started pounding," he replied.
"So you don't remember anything? That's weird," Adam said.
"You know what, I don't care," Bajan shook his head and continued to try to get past Adam," Let me go find my brother. If I actually did cause him to run away, I'd like to apologise."
Adam looked to Jerome who gave him a look that said 'let him go'. He sighed.
" Fine. But we're coming with you," Adam said. Mitch look of relief flashes across Mitch's face.
"Thanks guys," he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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