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These monsters roam all over the overworld.
Some say they come from a different universe. Others say they're corrupted players.
Because they were not players, they were shunned away from them. Treated as nothing but a threat.
But there were one set of players who didn't treat them the same way.
They were known as mob whisperers.
It is true that brines and moblitz also treated mobs like family, but mob whisperers were different.
You see, they could control the mobs. Use them as their pawns.
Because of this ability, the first mobx player war started. It was a deathly fight and in the end, the players won. All the mob whisperers were sentenced to death and we're killed in front of the players who fought.
There are rumours that some mob whisperers still exist and are in hiding, but none of them have shown their faces yet.

"Mommy. Do you think they're scary?" A young brown haired boy asked his mother. She smiled.
"Well. Not anymore. I used to be when I was your age. But then I remembered that king Stan got rid of them," she repiled.
"Why did he get rid of them? Weren't they people?" The boy asked. His mother smiled. Patting his head.
"Well dear, they were, but they were bad people," she said," They were killed for our protection."
"But they sound cool. I bet they could help get rid of all the mobs," he said.
"The mobs and whispers were very close. None would harm the other. But. That's an old story. Thyre gone now
And now the only monsters around here are people like your brother," she said booping his nose.
"Yeah. Mitch is scary," the boy said. As a response, a large snore came from the other room. The two giggled.
"OK time for bed," the mother laid her son on the bed and tucked him in," Good night dear." She kissed his forehead.
"Night mommy," he said sleepily. He closed his eyes. She smiled. As she was leaving she heard a small whisper.
"Mobs are awesome," she turned back to her son who was smiling in his sleep. She looked at him for a few more minutes before leaving the room.

(DISCOUNTINUED) The last Mob whisperer (remake)Where stories live. Discover now