Jack's POV

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I miss Ariana. I just can't believe she would cheat on me... even though we had only been together for 6 months, I was ready to give her a promise ring.

Johnson and I even went to look at some. I'm glad I didn't give it to her.

I've thought about calling her or going over to her house to talk to her but I just can't bring myself to do it. I never thought she would have done something like that.

Madison, Kylie, Stassie, Kelsey, Kendall and many more of her friends have been blowing up my phone telling me that Ari is innocent. Something in my mind is saying that I should believe them but another part of me believes the photos.

Johnson has also been going on and on about the fact that Ariana would never cheat. I want to believe him.

I haven't been doing well. It's been 4 weeks since the photos of Ariana and Niall surfaces and I've left my house once since then. Johnson has been trying to get me to leave the house and go out with him. He's even tried to bribe me to visit Ari.

I hear a notification come from my phone to alert me that I've been tagged in a photo. Its from E!News, what now.


E!News: about 4 weeks ago we broke the news about Ariana Grande and Niall Horan

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E!News: about 4 weeks ago we broke the news about Ariana Grande and Niall Horan... we had been told that they were all over each other and also left in the same car! Today we have got confirmation that this is not true. We are very sorry to have reported incorrect information. We want apologise to Ariana, Niall and of course Jack. The reporters that made the article have been fired.

Are they serious?!?! I broke up with Ariana for no reason? I hate myself. Fuck E!News, they ruined my relationship.

Just as I finish reading the post Johnson storms into my room, "Did you fucking read that?" He yells. I just nod my head in frustration.

I need to see Ari.

I quickly grab my keys and race over to her house. Thankfully her car is there.

I knock the door a little too hard and soon enough she opens it. I've missed seeing her face.

"Did you see it?" Is the first thing she says to me. I nod my head and look at my feet. I feel like such a dick, why didn't I believe her? I've treated her like shit and broke up with her for no reason.

She looks hurt. Quickly I wrap my arms around her body. She's hesitant but soon enough she returns the hug and snuggles her head into my neck.

"I'm sorry..." I say. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you and fucked us up. I should have know that you would never cheat on me because you're better than that. I'm going to make it up to you. I still love you, I never stopped. I'm so so sorry..." Ariana cuts me off and kisses me. I've missed her so much.

I laugh, I really do love this girl, "So Ariana... will you be my girlfriend again?" I ask. "Of course baby, and you're not getting away this time."
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Bad Idea : Jack Gilinsky - Ariana Grande {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now