The top floor of the school was back and I saw her standing up there again. This time, Trigon was behind her and he whispered something in her ear. She cried even more and jumped off again landing with a loud crack as blood began to come out.

(Y/n)- "s-stop that!!"

Cindy- "do not tell me what to do!!"

The blood that came from her fall then made its way back into her body as the whole situation was reversed, then played again, then reversed, then it played again on an endless loop.

(Y/n)- "STOP THAT!! PLEASE....please stop...."

I looked away as tears streamed down my face. I was soon met with a slap.

Cindy?- "how dare you shed crocodile tears for something you wanted to happen. I never should've said yes to you."

I looked at her with watery eyes.

(Y/n)- "what did you say?"

Cindy?- "you heard me you sociopathic pervert. I should've never said yes!"

(Y/n)- "that's where you're wrong."

The binds no longer held me as I got dropped and landed on my feet.

Cindy?- "w-what?"

(Y/n)- "you weren't the one who said yes. It was me."

I took a couple of steps forward as she started backing away.

(Y/n)- "you may have gotten into my head but you still know nothing about me. Call me pervert, idiot, failure, I don't care I've heard it all. But I'm more than what you think."

Cindy?- "stay back!!"

(Y/n)- "how dare you take her form!"

She then stopped moving and smiled.

Cindy?- "fine, you don't like it when I take this form? I don't either but your reactions were hilarious. I think it's time I reverted to my true self."

Her body turned black and started to elongate. She became a giant black snake with red eyes. Her tail wrapped around me and I was brought face to face with her.

???- "what are you gonna do now?"

She began constricting me....I felt my my strength leave me....

(Y/n)- ", I won't go through with this shit...."

???- "too late, now die."

She constricted me even more....I kept struggling and moving but....I went eyes got heavy....I couldn't move anymore and just gave up....some weird sound echoed throughout the strangely enough sounded like....crying?

(Y/n)- "M-Moriah....n-no....p-please....d-don't cry....."

I could feel my strength come back and I broke free from the snake thing's grasp.

???- "h-how? HOW!?"

I landed firmly on the ground and looked up at it.

(Y/n)- "I don't fall easy, that's how."

She growled and hisses at me before reeling her head back and striking me. I stood tall, not moving a single muscle as she landed her attack...but it did nothing.

My kryptonian daughter (technically complete but is being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now