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('If some weird shit gets posted here in this story or on my message board, then it's probably my friends fucking with me.....can't say I don't deserve it.')


Joker's POV

Penguin- "what all this about? You call us up for some blood?"

Joker- "calm down Ossie, there's a reason. This blood isn't just normal human blood, there's a, how do I put this....supernatural kick to it."

Lex- "ok, I've heard you say and do some crazy shit, but this is batshit crazy. Even by your standards."

Joker- "don't believe me, then how about trying it yourself."

I take out a syringe and take in some of the blood. Lex, reluctantly, takes the syringe and injected it into his system. I then took out a gun and shot him in the arm.

Lex- "AAAAH!! You crazy BITCH!!"

He shouted while holding his arm.

Joker- "give it a minute."

Lex- "give what a minute, you shot me!!!"

Joker- "look again."

He looks at his arm and is shocked. I was as well being that he was healing a lot slower than that boy was.

Lex- "what the hell?"

Joker- "hmmm, seems like it somewhat worked. How about you do some further tests on it Hugo."

Hugo- "alright, bring it here."

(Y/n)'s POV

Whatever was biting me was starting to rip my body in half. All the struggling I did was for nothing so I finally just gave up and let it do it's thing. I was at the bottom of the lake when the thing finally let go for some reason. I tried my best to swim back up but I felt a grab my ankle and pulled me down.

Thoughts- 'what the fuck is it?!?'

I saw it as I felt something else grab my hand and pull me upward. Whoever grabbed my hand swam down most likely to deal with the other big brute. After some shaking and thrashing, I escaped and swam straight up.

(Y/n)- "ah! Ah! Dry land! Hahaha, yes!!"

I say while crawling and kissing the grassy ground. I heard something else come out of the water and I saw Bruce hit a tree trunk.

(Y/n)- "who...the hell...was that down there?"

Dina- "I think we're about to find out."

She drags me away from the shore as something came walking out of the water, Friday the 13th style.

She drags me away from the shore as something came walking out of the water, Friday the 13th style

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Dina- "killer was staring in our faces the whole time. Lake, leather ski-"

(Y/n)- "no time for epiphanies, we gotta go!"

My kryptonian daughter (technically complete but is being rewritten)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora