Crashed date night

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('Welcome to 20 fuckin 20, and here's the first chapter for the year.')


3rd POV

The kryptonian child sleeps soundly not knowing what had happened in a course of two kryptonian days, not that it matters anymore. Her flight path stays consistent, and the escape pod shatters any asteroid that comes in contact with it.

(Y/n)'s POV

Saturday's were always a hit or miss. Everyone is supposed to love them, but it's the contrary for me and my foster parents. Some people spend time with their friends or just play video games all day...but I'm stuck doing some unnecessary school work. The stupidest part is, doing this work is like an endless loop, get one done, an extra 30 are given to me.

Dad- "(Y/n)! Come here I need your help!"

(Y/n)- "fine whatever."

I stand up and drag my feet across the floor, not really wanting to help with his bullshit.

Dad- "today!"

(Y/n)- "alright alright, I'm coming!"

I walk faster and make my way to my foster dad. He was currently in the kitchen standing over the sink. The minute I looked at him, I knew exactly what he was planning.

Dad- "could you help m-"

(Y/n)- "no!"

He looked at me confused, but then a smile spread across his face.

Dad- "oh I see, you're still scared aren't you?"

(Y/n)- "hell yeah I am. They're big ass cockroaches, I'm not going anywhere near them."

Dad- "pussy."

(Y/n)- "ugh, fine."

(Timeskip brought to you by this

(Timeskip brought to you by this

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Try sleeping at night now)

3rd POV

The poor teen was in his room curled up in a blanket.

(Y/n)'s POV

(Y/n)- "..."

Dad- "oh come on, it wasn't that bad."

(Y/n)- "GET OUT!!"

(Another timeskip)

(On FaceTime)

Cindy- "wow, I had no idea I was dating such a macho man."

(Y/n)- "yup, took care of all of them myself."

My kryptonian daughter (technically complete but is being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now