When "evil" does good deeds

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3rd POV

Being that he had no other choice, (Y/n) is forced to be beaten. Chest, stomach, face, not a single part of his body wasn't hit by this ape of a man. Cindy cries, shouting and screaming for him, all the while she still had a knife on her neck.

Cindy's POV

Robert- "come on Rodney, show no mercy."


Robert gagged me with what looked like an old pair of socks, making breathing in another problem due to the socks being coated in some type of weird sticky liquid like substance all over it.

Robert- "oh, what's this? It seems like she cheating because she currently gagging on my cum-stained sock."

My eyes widened as I tried to take it out thought it was impossible...that and Robert covered my mouth pushing the sock farther.

Robert- "oh no, little whore. You're all mine now...so do you DARE spit it out."

Thoughts- 'someone....please....help us....'

I felt weak...broken...I'd been pushed past my limit...

(Y/n)'s POV

After Rodney finished his massacre, he stood up and Robert walks to me and kneels down, smiling before he says.

Robert- "where was that mad dog attitude you had before, huh? Not so strong now are you? Hehehe..."

(Y/n)- *inaudible mumbling*

Robert then grabs my hoodie and brings me face to face with him.

Robert- "what? You got something to say?! Come on spit it out."

I look up at him and spit blood straight at his face. He flinches while scrunching up his face, and then wipes his face before looking back at me, angered.

(Y/n)- "hehehe.....s-serves y-y-you right...."

Robert- "grrrrrrrr!!! GRRRAAAH!!!!!"

He punches me square in the nose, though it didn't stop me from laughing. He got angrier and angrier....then he stopped....

Robert- "fine, you want to play like that?"

He stands up and looks Rodney.

Robert- "put him out of his misery....permanently."

Cindy- "no.......no NO NO DON'T!!!"

Rodney nods and looks down at me. He grabs me again and raises his fist, getting it ready for impact.

Cindy- "STOP!! PLEA-"


She falls to the ground while a red mark forms on her face.

Robert- "SHUT UP!!"

(Y/n)- "C-Cin....dy......"

I try to reach my hand out.....a desperate attempt to save her.....though it did nothing.....I look back at Rodney as he'd pulled a knife of his own and got ready to stab me.....

I closed my eyes, waiting for death's merciful and cold embrace.....but it never happened.....I open my eyes and see that his arm had gotten caught by some.....black creature....

black creature

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