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Toby's pov
As I knocked on Ej's door I heard a bitch say that pixie sticks turned you into a thot i was confused but ignored it "Come in Toby" Ej said "wow bro bro you knew it was me" I call Ej Bro bro because were practically like a brothers "Sigh Toby at this point I know the time you come to harass me sooo" "oh okay well Today i was thinking we could share one secret with each other if it's okay with you" " depends on what the secret is" "you decide what are you comfortable With sharing" "okay hmmmmmmmm how about crushes" in my mind I simply thought 'I'm fucked' but I went along with it anyway.

"Okay we can do it but we cant lie and you have to have a crush" I said as I closed the door and sat on the other side of Ej's bed "okay well I wont lie and yes i have a slight crush on a certain person" This'll be fun I thought "okay well I'll go first we can start by trying to describe them first" "okay"
"Okay so my crush is taller then me"
"My crush is shorter then me"
"My crush is a male"
"My crush is male also"
"My crush isn't all that kind to me but they rarely ever around me"
"I'm pretty sure my crush is afraid of me like most people "
"Ummm my Crush is also my role model"
"My crush isnt a role model"
"My crush wheres a mask"
"My crush wheres a mask"
"I have never seen my crush without his mask"
"I have seen my crush without his mask but it was a rare opportunity as I was caring for a wound on the face"
"My crush reminds me of a old friend of mine"
"My crush must certainly does not remind me of anyone from my childhood"
"My crush wheres a white mask, you can now start guessing who"
"My crush wheres a black mask, you sir may start guessing"
"Wait the only person I know you have seen without a mask for a face wound is  hoodie soooooo"
"Is your crush masky"
"Well that wasn't bad you better not tell anyone" Ej threatened "I wont as long as you wont tell anyone my secret also I'm very good friends with hoodie I could set you- " "no toby I swear" "okay okay." With that came silence we both seemed to be thinking but also not thinking at the same time. "Toby if you dont mind me asking who is the friend you mentioned" "well you know all about my past like I told you those two guys Tim and Brian well yeah he kind of reminds me of Tim always there for me to protect me and always not there when not needed that's also a good reason why I'm friends with hoodie he reminds me of Brian always there for me no matter what, so i guess that's why and yes I had a crush on Tim so shut up" i said "wow okay well got work to do soo" "yeah me to see you later bro bro" I said as I gave Ej a hug and walked off to my room to watch this youtube series called Marble Hornets it seemed interesting soooo.

Atleast that was the plan until I walked into my room to see Hoodie sitting on my bed
"Hey hoodie you okay?" I asked
"Toby can we talk for a sec"

.......wow that escalated to the depths of hell wow
Word count: 603 words

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