Me x And x You (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

I hummed in reply as I stared at the pills then quickly swallowed one down. I groaned softly feel the dry medium-sized pills lowly travel down my throat and wished I would have drunk the glass of water before taking the pills. "Why am I in here?" I asked as he picks up a container of medication cream and holds it out for me.

"This is for your leg, and arm, and well...back," he says as his dominant eye twitches slightly as he stares at me lost as if thinking as he avoids my questions from seconds ago. He looking up at me and hummed softly as he scanned my body as his hand gripped around the container of cream intensely. "What's the last thing you remember?"

My eyebrows raised slightly at the question as I began to open my mouth but then closed it a split second as I had to recall the clouded details. "The last thing I remember?" I shook my head as the memory suddenly came, "I had fought that monster, right?"

"Yeah...that's why you're here." He smirked looking up at me," You gouged out the main head eyes. With that much blood loss it's going to likely die in a few days or maybe it's dead already," he snickers while reviving the needle from the tray. I looked at him curiously as he examined the end of the needled. From the corner of his eye, he looks over at me examining the expression on my face as he erupts into a grin. "It's probably not poison."

"Yeah...," I gulped looking towards him and frowned as I watched the needle in his hand and a sudden swelling inside of me mixed with an indescribable feeling circled. I smiled despite the emotions and looked towards him. At that moment he met my eyes and his cheeky smile slowly drowned. "It's could be poisonous, but I would trust you anyway."

Maybe it was the smile or the fact that I had said those words, or probably both, but whatever part it was that threw Hisoka off completely made me grinned at the fact that I could actually get to him. The way he looked at me sent indescribable shivers whether good or bad, I couldn't tell. I smiled calmly avoiding the look of confusion on his face as I held out my arm for him to stick the needle inside my skin. He opens his mouth to say something but shortly stops as he quickly gathered himself and stares at my arm and his previous dulled look finds its way back on his face. "This is gonna help your body heal up faster it's a large douse cause of your back injury so you'll probably feel like you're starving afterward. Ready?"

"No, but— Dammit! You didn't count?!" I squealed as he takes the bandaid off its peel and gently with his cold fingers placed it on my arm.

"You're not a baby, why would I count?" He smirked as he grabbed hold of the medical cream in my hands. " put on your leg, back, and arms. You've been knocked out for a little while so you're almost healed up on your leg and arm but your back is likely gonna need more time it was deep so you might experience minor sharp pain in your spinal nerves, but the shot should help. That pain would be your spin getting adjusted to the pressure it went through and getting re-justed."

"Wait, you said I was knocked out for a while? How long is a while?" I questioned as he sits the cream in my open hands.

"Two days," he casually replied.

"Two days? How? The exam!? Am I disqualified?", I blurred frantically.

"No. Your injuries drained you, but you passed the second phase. Right now we're on our way towards the next phase. This phase shouldn't be as hard on you so don't worry about pushing yourself. Take it easy...or don't." Hisoka frowned slightly but avoids looking at me as he started to pick up the metallic tray placing them on the desk, and needle on top of the tray as he balled up the trash in his hand and leaves the bandaid wrap on the bed.

"What are we in?" I questioned as my eyes wander over towards the moving sky I been staring at since I woke up.

"In the company Hunter's blimp, it's carrying everyone to the next examination which is in the mountains of Göra. So you don't...", Hisoka stops sharply as his intense eyes stared at me, looking at me.

{Protector} Hisoka x Male Reader (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now