PROLOGUE: A stranger's record of staying, for a while.

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"Is it okay if I move in tonight?" I ask as we get near the apartment.

"Yeah but, is it okay with you?" the landlady slowly opens the door. "We haven't cleaned the apartment yet," she says.

"It's okay, I got nowhere to go anyway. I'll clean it myself," I say. The whole apartment is dusty and it totally stinks. Spider webs are everywhere. It is filled with a lot of things and all those are just lying on the floor. "But, whose things are these?" I ask.

"It was the old tenant's things," she says. "It's been a year since he left. He never really said he was leaving. He just went out in the middle of the night and he didn't come back. I never heard from him since then and his contract ended a week ago. I tried contacting him but no answers."

"Should I throw these?" I ask.

"Y-yeah. Just put those things outside and I'll collect them tomorrow," she says. "By the way, here's your key. I'm sorry I need to leave already, I just have something important to do. You're fine on your own, right?" she asks.

"Yes, thanks." I say and she left.

I walk inside the apartment and left the door and windows open. I start cleaning from picking the things on the floor and removing the curtains. I went inside the bedroom and removed the bed sheet. I put those in a big plastic bag and place them outside the apartment. I open the wooden wardrobe and the mountain of dust made me cough. I saw a guitar hidden at the back of his hanged clothes; I took it and put it on the bed.

"The strings are rusty," I say. I went out for a minute to buy guitar strings at the nearest store. I don't know, I suddenly want to play that guitar. I went back and sat at the end of the bed. I replace the strings and slowly tried to strum it. I tuned it first, and then played a song. It felt calm as the ray of the sunset enter the room through the window and as the tip of my fingers felt the vibration of the guitar strings as I strum it. I feel like I'm home. I rest for a couple of minutes.

I stand up and went back to cleaning. I walk near the small study table. "He must've love books," I say as I rearranged them, "I shouldn't throw these, I might want to read them." While rearranging them, a notebook caught my attention. It looks like a scrapbook and a diary at the same time. I grab it and place it at the top of all the books. "It's time to fix the bed," I muttered. I finished cleaning the whole bedroom and put the trash outside. I kept some of the old tenant's things in a small box and put it under the bed. I think they might be important to him and he might come back to get them.

Finally, after hours of cleaning, I'm done. I stretched my arms then I throw myself on the bed. I was about to close my eyes when I saw the notebook again, I stand up and took it. I sit back at the end of the bed as I open it.

"A stranger's record of staying,

For a while." itsays.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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