My Boyfriend Is A Softie

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"woah it is so....."
I trailed but don't know the exact word to describe it.

"you don't like it?"
He asked sounding sad.

"no no. I-I mean its so powerful. I didn't know you can draw so well"
I said in admiration.

I then saw his childhood photographs on the shelves when he suddenly hugged me from behind me start to sniff me by placing his nose in the crook of my neck.

I then saw his childhood photographs on the shelves when he suddenly hugged me from behind me start to sniff me by placing his nose in the crook of my neck

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I then turn around and be hugged me more tightly.

I then turn around and be hugged me more tightly

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I place my one hand in his hairs and started to caress it while my one hand was around his neck. He then mumble so quietly that I almost don't get it. So I asked
"what did you say kookie hyung?"

He groaned and replied
"I said don't leave me jimin. I will tell you everything. Its not like what you saw"

We just stand there in each other arms for I think ten to fifteen minutes without exchanging any words.

He then take me to sit on the bed with me on his side even though he wanted me in his lap but the JM around his neck didn't allow me to sit on his lap. His arms around my waist and other playing with my fingers.

He then started
"I was not here for a week Jimin. I was gone because of thr gang work. Please let me complete. As you know when I was in the last year of the school I leave everyone behind and joined the gang. That time I didn't knew what I was doing but after you came. You are so pure while I am so dirty. I want to be someone who is worth to stand beside you. I want to be a better man for you. "

"you are still in the gang?"

"so I was gone because I have to complete the last tasks for the gang before I leave. That day when you saw me I was going to come to you and the other were teasing me about you. I am....... sorry"

"so you killed someone?"
I asked really curious.

Hr laughed full heartedly and for a long five minutes.

"No butterfly. I didn't kill anyone nor I ever beat someone without a valid reason"
He said kissing me on the cheek.

I nod and saw directly in his eyes and he said
"I need you Jimin"

"I need you too Jungkookie hyung"
I said with a giggle.

We both cuddle and sleep with each other on his bed.


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I Need U (Jikook)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora