Ch 4. The trial of battle

Start from the beginning

Izuku nodded his head. 'He really is just extremely earnest isn't he?'

Uraraka, the infinity girl called for two as she caught up to them. "Hey, your Iida Tenya, right? And you're Deku?-"


"Hmm? During the physical test- isn't that what Bakugo called you?"

"Ah-well... it's kind of complicated. It's sort of like an insult he's called me ever since we were young."

"An insult, huh?" Iida queried.

"Is that so? That's disappointing because I though Deku sounded like "You can do it", y'know? I liked the name-"

"DEKU IT IS!" Izuku blurted. Iida questioned why he'd accept that name. Izuku covered his red face in embarrassment. Uraraka laughed.

"Alright, Deku," Uraraka said, regaining her composure, "about your quirk... what exactly is it?"

Izuku stiffened.

"Actually... I had the same question." Iida stated. "It's like a transformation quirk I presume, but it almost seems as if you have multiple quirks all in one."

How was he going to get out of this one? Then the thought dawned on him. "So... you know Aoyama?"

"Yeah, the belly laser guy?" Uraraka said.

"Yeah, I'm kind of like him..." Izuku lifted his wrist and showed them the omnitrix.

"That device - I saw you press it each time you transformed!" Iida said. "So you mean that you too aren't able to use your quirk without a support item?"

"Exactly," Izuku answered.

"So it comes at a price, huh. Still, the difference between you and Aoyama even with his handicap is astounding. I guess it's true that not everyone is born equal."

"Yeah..." Izuku knew the feeling all too well. He couldn't help but think about the similarities between him and Aoyama. But he couldn't feel too bad, at least he had a quirk, at least he didn't spend the first years of his life in everyone's shadow.

But he couldn't dwell on the past much longer, on the bright side, his first day at U.A had been great and so far and he'd made some pretty good friends already.

He wondered what U.A held for him the next day.


Izuku was bored. Not once had he ever thought that U.A, Japan's top national school, would be so boring. It felt weird to think about. The school that raised generations upon generations of esteemed heroes, and he was sitting at his desk... learning poetry?

It wasn't just him either, The other students could barely keep their heads up in class.

"Now, What is the author trying to imply in this sentence?"

'So boring...'

"Hey hey! Keep your heads up and pay attention!" Present mic yelled, "Come on!"

After the morning lessons, it was time for lunch. It kept up with the usual theme: huge. The cafeteria was daunting to look at. Spacious seating areas, a fantastic aroma, delicious food? What more could you ask for?

"Wow, I could get used to this." Uraraka said with a mouthful of rice. Meanwhile Izuku was trying his best not to explode out of pure excitement.

"Glad you enjoyed it!" The pro hero Lunch Rush said just by their table.

After that it was finally time for the most important part of the day. Heroics training.

"I am..." a voice expressed from the door, "coming in the room like a normal person!"

Deku: The Wielder of The OmnitrixWhere stories live. Discover now