"Course we don't mind." Said Heath, sipping on his vanilla milkshake.

As I put a thin layer of lipgloss on, a steaming plate of waffles smothered in butter and maple syrup arrived.

Apart from the waffles, a can of 7 up was placed down in front of me.

"Oh thank you, Heath and Katie. You didn't have to."

"Oh, but we did. We couldn't let our bestie starve, could we?" Said Katie.

"I guess not," I murmured through a piece of syrup and butter covered waffle.

Time skip - 10 minutes later

After finishing my meal, I felt full. "I'm stuffed," I said, slumping low in my seat.

My friends laughed.

"Hey Y/N, look it's that Johnny boy. You know the one you have a crush on." Said Heath suddenly, pointing to the other side of the diner.

I choked on my 7 up when he mentioned Johnny.
"I don't have a crush on Johnny." I hissed, going red with embarrassment. All the same, I sat up and stared where Heath was pointing.

John Depp or Johnny Depp (everyone just called him Johnny), was the same age as me: 17.
He had brown eyes and dark brown curly is hair. Johnny was wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans, black boots on his feet.

And to be honest, I'd never talked to him properly, only in class (we sat next to each other in Art and English). He was quite shy and introverted and didn't enjoy being the centre of attention, but holy shit he was an amazing artist. People often admired his work and told him how talented he was, but he always stayed modest and would just smile, say 'you anyou and continue whatever he happened to be doing at the time. 

I love drawing and painting, but I always forget to try my best in Art class, so more often than not I end up not seeing a project through.

Anyway, Johnny seemed nice enough, but I didn't r him a friend.

"Go on over then." Heath challenged me, vanilla milkshake all-around his mouth.

I shook my head. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Johnny. "Listen, I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of him."

Heath raised an eyebrow. "That's only because YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON JOHNNY!!!" He said, raising his voice so that Johnny would hear.

The whole coffee shop practically stared at Heath, Katie and me. I was so embarrassed. I hid my face behind the menu that was laying on our table, hoping that nobody would see me. They all had, but that was beside the point.

When everybody had gone back to their business, I peered over the top of the menu and looked over at Johnny, who was staring blankly at a piece of paper in front of him. He hadn't even looked up. Not surprising though, especially since he was wearing earphones.

Heath sighed and slumped down. "Can't believe the dude didn't hear me, geez. And I was talking super loud too. Alright, time for plan B."

"Plan B?" I frowned. "What's plan B?"

"The plan that comes after plan A, which, needless to say, has failed miserably."

I rolled my eyes. "But seriously though."

"Katie, you tell her."

Katie sighed and turned to me. "Heath means you should just go over and talk to Johnny and just get to know him."

"Oh, no-nono. I'm not doing that!"

"Would you do it for a Scooby snack?"

I put my hands on my hips and glared. "That's not funny."

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