Reagan- Romans Little Sister

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Reagan was the only girl in the mind-palace, she was Thomas's child's sense of wonder and imagination. She was also Roman and Remus's little sister. Although, like Remus who didn't start working until Thomas was older, Reagan started working when Thomas was 2 until he was 13. Because Now the reason she is female is... that... um... well, not even Logan can figure that out. They assume that it was to simulate an imaginary friend, to keep Thomas from telling his family he is talking to himself.

Even though technically they all came to be when Thomas was born, their age evolves with their work time, which means Reagan is a lot younger. So she calls Patton dad but Deceit Logan and Virgil Uncles.

Her job nowadays is to help Thomas recall old memories and sort through the old ones like how Logan does new ones. She works hard even though she is six years old... Well, most of the time the others can fluctuate her age depending on how they want to talk to her. If they want a mature person they choose 13 but they usually like her 4-7-year-old self the most.

Now being the youngest has its ups and downs, she can be treated like the queen and get people to do what she wants but also she can come off as annoying and can be messed with by her older brothers and other sides. But she often deserves it, she plays pranks almost every day her favorite being the floor is lava.

Since she is part of imagination, she can change the mind palace as she pleases. She would call a side usually Roman or Remus saying she needed their help when they asked for what she would ask why the floor is lava then make the floor lava, thus making her brother's jump and scramble around to get off the floor. But that quick little girl would make the lava melt away and book it to hide so her brothers can't catch her.

Although this time they called in reinforcements.

Reagan decided to prank her brothers again so when she fell asleep she pretended to have a nightmare so her brothers would come rushing in to help her. What she didn't realize is that Patton and Deceit came to. She pulled her usual prank and watched as her brothers scrambled until she noticed that Patton and Deceit standing in the doorway. So when she tried to bolt Deceit sprouted an arm catching her and pulling her back in. She wiggles and tries to break loose but all hope was lost she got thrown onto her bed and she hid in her blankets.

"You shouldn't have done that kiddo," said Dad as he scooped up the now 10 year old and held her like a baby.

"What should we do to punish her?" sighed Deceit. They gave each other a glance as Deceit sprouted 2 more arms to restrain the girl and 2 more for their devious plan.

"Oh no ReRe" chuckled Remus, "Ro and I might have slipped up about your little weakness." "Weakness?"

Reagan shrieked, "I don't have a ..." Reagan suddenly felt the sensation of 10 fingers scratching her underarms, Deceit had found one of her spots.

She squealed and blurted, " Waihihihihiht Nhohohhhohhho that tihihihihihihcklhlhlhls!"

As Patton removed her slippers and socks and lightly stroked her tiny soles he chuckled, "Well I would hope, if not I would ask why you were laughing!" Reagan's squealing and giggling started to fill the room. "My goodness kiddo how could you hide this adorable secret from us!" Patton laughed as his fingers danced on her toes.

"This little nugget has been ticklish for a long time when she was done working Remus and I would pull a sneak attack on her for the little jokes she pulled on a daily basis, but as she got older she got smarter and now it's harder to catch her!" Roman ranted. "She'd always try to get us back but she couldn't change her age yet, sometimes we showed mercy other times we didn't." Then Remus and Roman wanted part of the action and sprung towards their sis remembering their many tickle attacks, for they knew all her worst spots. While Remus counted her ribs Roman blew raspberries on her belly button.

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