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I was awake, but at the same time, i wasn't. i was aware of my surroundings, but my eyes wouldn't open. It was cold. My head hurt. Maybe i should just go back to sleep.

I was awake again, this time, i had control over my eyelids. I slowly opened them, the goop, pulling at my eyelashes. I was welcomed by the rocky ceiling. I was completely numb. I slowly moved my hand and pain washed over me in my mid section and ribs.


Was that..Eren?

"Oh god (Y/N). Thank god your ok!" I didn't say anything. I was very confused. What the hell was going on? I was helped up into a sitting position. I looked around. Everything seemed normal. Hange was fixing the blanket. Levi barged into the room. Hange quickly moved aside. Levi was by my side in an instant.

"Are you ok?"

"I have all my limbs, so i guess i'm fine. What happened though?"

"Shitty glasses was busy fighting a titan. She didn't notice an abnormal sneak up on her. You pulled her away, but the titan caught your wires and grabbed you. It would have crushed you if she didn't save you. Unfortunately you fell and hit your head. Hard, you little piece of shit. You were out for weeks!"

What you think is the end is often the beginning.

"Oi." Levi shook me out of my daze.

"You ok?"

"Y-Yea.. Just, did i save a small boy by any chance?" Levi and Hange looked at each other.

"No. Not that i know of."

"Oh." I pondered on that though which just popped into my head. I'm pretty sure a small boy was saying it. I sighed. Maybe i did hit my head a little too hard.

"Its like you rose from the dead!" Hange joked. I chuckled.

"Anyway, now that you are up, might as well start a new beginning. Like a new chapter! Or a book!" I hummed at what Hange said.

"I'm starving."

"Yea, i sent Eren to the mess hall. He's bringing your food here."

The next 20 minutes we sat talking about everything id missed out on. Erwin had died. The commander had died. I was speechless. It was just the three of us. Every other squad leader had lost their lives. Mobilt had sacrificed his life to protect Hange. I'm sure she felt like shit.

Eren finally walked into the room with three trays, filled with food. I quickly dug it. The bread wasn't fresh but it tasted amazing right now. Once i was done, i was visited by the cadets. They were all thankfully fine. That small Historia girl apparently had royal blood in her. Wow. I missed out a lot of things.

I remained in bed for the next week until i finally made attempts to try and walk. Levi helped me through the whole process. Breathing hard hurt my ribs, so i could do absolutely no work. Levi as usual ordered the cadets to do some cleaning, but when cadets piled into my room to clean, Levi kicked them out, cleaning the room himself. I chuckled.

"I'm sorry."

Levi was rubbing out the glass windows. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised. His hands still wiping the windows.

"I'm sorry i worried you."

"Shut the f*** up." He was back to looking at the window. I sighed. He refused to take my apologies.

Déjà vu (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now