Chapter 21

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The big buff guy wasn't breathing anymore. Connie slowly got up and wiped his eyes. The others holding the,now dead, man down slowly let go to make sure he wasn't just faking it, but not breathing for 10 minutes, is quite hard to achieve without dying. Mikasa got Eren down from the tree and Jean,Ymir. I looked for Hange, but she was busy tending to the wounds of the others soldiers. I slowly walked over to Eren and Ymir and crouched in front of Ymir. Her right hand and leg were broken. She was awake but seemed in a daze.

"Ymir?" I snapped my fingers in front of her face. I moved onto snapping it near her ears when i got no response. She finally responded, snapping out of her daze and looking around and pushed me back with brutal strength. I squeaked, not expecting that. She got up and she looked around. Her eyes landed on the little blond girl who smiled at her and was walking towards her, but Ymir turned around and started limping away.

Wow, she was fast for someone with a limp.

"Hey! Ymir! Where are you going?" Jean asked going after her, but jumped back when a gas bomb was thrown near his feet. The bomb blocked our vision with a smoke screen.

"F***!" I heard Jean curse. I then heard a loud thump.

"RUN!!! TITANS!" I heard him yell. I was on my feet within seconds and Jean came running out of the smoke cloud grabbing onto my hands pulling me along. We all split up. Levi and three other soldiers were split from the group, So was Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Hange, Connie and Sasha were with us. We were running among the trees, jumping and tripping over tree roots. Right now, the titans had an advantage. They were stocked up on arms and not injured. I couldn't say the same about us.

After running for about five minutes, Jean quickly helped me climb up a tree.

"Stay there." He said and marked the tree with a sharp rock and ran another direction. What the f***?! Did he just leave me alone!? Ok. I'm at a height. All i have to do is not move and stay quiet. I saw Sasha in the distance. She was fighting eight people on her own. She was strong. I always saw her as this big foodie who made crazy decisions, but seeing her on the battle field, it felt like i was looking at a whole new person.

The titans didn't seem to have any guns, they were all using daggers or knives. Sasha stood at the center and deflected the attack of an oncoming terrorist, grabbed his (or her. Cant tell, they are wearing robes.) knife. She hit him on the back of the neck with the hilt of the knife.

Were titans really that weak?

The titans were, first of all, charging at her one at a time. I mean its good for us, but i don't think the titans are that weak. They don't play by the rules. They should have attacked her all at once. This seems wrong. Something seemed fishy.

I couldn't see clearly, but i could not forget that face ever. That smug look of accomplishment the military police tried to hide when Hange deliver the news about Nicks death. It was definitely him.

The military police are on this too. Why am i not surprised. Once they were all out, Sasha looked around. Suddenly a gunshot rang out in the forest. I flinched and slipped . I grabbed onto the tree trunk and hugged it close.I mean i could hear gunshots, but they were distant. This was too close. Almost as if it was coming from below. I looked down. Sure enough there was a person here. This person looked like a titan. I could see the blood smudges on his face. His hood was down. I quickly turned away and looked at Sasha. Her knees were bucked. She was grabbing at her forearm. She seemed in pain. I looked down at the titan in shock. Did he just managed to hit the enemy where they were not wearing a bulletproof vest with such accuracy at this distance!? One soldier from behind Sasha got up and took a dagger and hit her head with the hilt of the dagger. She fell, but she was withering. She wasn't knocked out. He stabbed her in the back with a knife. I heard no scream. Sasha immediately stopped her movements. I gasped. I quickly covered my mouth. No it couldn't be. She couldn't have died. Right?

Déjà vu (Levi x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora