Garon Yoshikage

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Personal Info

Status: Deceased

Gender: Male

• Mikoto Yoshikage (Wife/Unknown)
• Zack Yoshikage (Son/Alive)


• Researcher

Appears in fanfic" (technically not official)"


Fanfic:  [Unknown Actor - Prologue (Mention)]

"Garon Yoshikage is a recurring character of  Toaru Wakaranai no Actor (A Certain Unknown Actor) only being mention for his actions through out the series. He was a researcher of the Dark May Project and someone who had an close eye on Anna Zetsubo before the start of the series.

Since Garon only been mentioned so far in the series Garon's appearance is unknown.

• In a summary of Unknown Actor it is confirmed that Zack's father, (Garon Yoshikage) is a researcher of the Dark May Project, which also confirms in the summary and in Code Vader Chapter - 3 that he was killed by Kuroyoru Umidori, As Kihara Akuma is the only survivor researcher of the project. It is also hinted that Tedashii Hamasaki help kill the researchers which hint a possibility and confirming that Garon's death was at the hands of either Kuroyoru Umidori or Tedashii Hamasaki.
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As a researcher of the Dark May Project he is capable of helping Espers improve their abilities with Accelerator's thought patterns.

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Not much is known about Garon but many theories can spatulate that he unlike the other researchers of the Dark May Project showed a sign of some humanity regretting his part in the experiments. He's also known to be caring person to even look after Anna Zetsubo and being known by her as Mr. Jiji.


Zack Yoshikage
Garon's son, despite never appearing in the series there must have been some possible positive relationship between the two. As Zack willingly looks after Anna Zetsubo after she shows him the letter. The letter was giving to him by Anna in case Zack knows his father's hand writing meaning in some case his could mean it's not the first letter giving to him by his father.

Anna Zetsubo
Garon found an abandoned Anna Zetsubo and care for her during some time in past. She refers to him as Mr. Jiji.



Much isn't known of his history except some time before the events of the series that Garon had a wife and had a son (Zack Yoshikage). Some time join the Dark May Project as a researcher. During his time he found and discovered Anna Zetsubo, and look after her until his following death during the fall out of the Dark May Project.

(A Certain Unknown Actor)
Garon left a note before his death, to look after Anna Zetsubo giving it to her. This action cause Anna to search and successfully locate Zack.


A Certain Knowledgeable Wiki [Code Vader/Unknown Actor] (Wiki)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin