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It was Sunday and Can and Sanem invited Aziz, Mihriban, Emre, and Leyla over for lunch.  Sanem had placed a couple of more chairs in Nonna's room, so that Aziz and Mihriban could talk with her privately after the meal.

When Aziz and Mirhiban arrived, Emre and Leyla were already there.    When they came in, Mihriban saw Nonna first.   She ran into the room and grabbed her in a hug with tears flowing, saying, "Cemile you look so young, where have you been, it has been over thirty years since I last saw you.   How did you wind up at Can and Sanem's?"

Aziz started tearing up saying, "Hello friend, how are you?    And everything Mihriban said."    Everyone laughed at the old friends greeting each other.   They were all laughing and talking over each other, about old memories of school days, colleges, marriages, and their parents.

When the children ran in to greet their grandparents, Dante hung back and found his way over to Sanem.   She put her arm around him and told Mihriban and Aziz, "This is Dante, and he is the young man that invaded my dreams for weeks.   Dante this is Can's Baba and Anne."    He went over and shook hands with both of them then went over and sat with Can, who put his arm around Dante.

Sanem invited everyone to come eat on the patio, as it was such a beautiful day.   Can and Dante wheeled Nonna outside, and the old friends had a wonderful time catching up.   The children of course tried to fight over who sat by Dante, and Ates said very loudly, "Remember be nice to the ladies."   They all sat down with no more fighting.

The adults broke out laughing, and Aziz said, "Can, what are you teaching your son?    It worked they stopped fighting."   Can said, "I didn't teach him, Dante taught him that, and he loves saying it."

Mihriban said, "I'm pretty sure that is a Divit man saying."   The ladies were laughing so hard, that Can said, "Okay, okay you ladies will choke on your fruit if you aren't careful."

After the lunch, Cemile invited Mihriban and Aziz's to her room.    She was going to show them some of her photo albums, and for her talk with them.    She had talked with Can and Sanem and they all decided now would be the time to tell Aziz about Luca.

All the children were playing in the yard, in their sandbox.    Can, Sanem, Emre, and Leyla were sitting on the patio watching them.

Can started talking and told Emre and Leyla, the history of Can dating Elena, then introducing her to Luca, and their love at first sight.    He then backed up and told them about Aziz, Mihriban, Huma, and Cemile all being friends in school.    He told them what Cemile had told them, the history that she had with Aziz, about going to university, never coming back to Turkey, and about Luca being their brother.   Emre was crying when he finished talking and said, "We had an older brother, and we never knew him." 

 Can replied, "I was privileged to know him; for a short time, but we can know his son Dante.    Sanem and I are planning to adopt Dante and we have an appointment for Nonna to have a second opinion for her cancer and maybe treatment.    What is amazing is all of this started with Sanem's dreams about a young boy?    Nonna is telling Baba right now about Luca.    I don't know how he will react, so we have to be supportive to all of them."

Meanwhile Cemile was trying to get her nerve up to tell Aziz and Mihriban about Luca.   She was showing them old pictures, when Mihriban said, "Aziz these baby pictures look like the ones I saw of Can and Emre.   Cemile are these pictures of Dante?   Is he Can's son?"

Cemile took a deep breath and said, "No these are pictures of Dante's Papa', my son Luca.   He would have been thirty-three this year; he is about three almost four years older than Can."   She sat quietly, and didn't say anything else.

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