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The next day Can was working on the Compass Account.   Sanem put their babies down for naps, and came sat with him.   He turned to her and asks, "Would you look at this campaign and give me your opinion on what we have so far?   It is good, but I feel like something is off a little."

Sanem said, "Okay."   She took the papers Can handed her and began reading.   She didn't say anything until she finished reading all of the papers.    She handed them back saying, "This is very good."  Can reached for her hand saying, "Now tell me what you really think?"

She said, "I really think this is good, and I don't want to say anything.   You guys are professionals, and I just worked there for a little while."   Can said, "During the time you were with us, you came up with awesome slogans and ideas.   Remember Aunt Remide's Chickens, what about the Redmond Account, and even our first Compass Sports Account, 'Find Me'?    Yes, I want and need your opinion."

Sanem took a deep breath, and reached for a Can's hand.  She started by saying, "This is a wonderful campaign idea, but it feels like it has been done before.  The athletes and the famous stars, camping, climbing mountains, skiing down long slopes, and driving jeeps up windy roads and camping on cliffs with Compass Sports equipment.   What if you back off just a little, do a series of ads like a continuing story?   Maybe start with father and very young son camping in the back yard, then the whole family camping in local parks/woods.   Then they are on a family trip across the country camping in different tourist areas.   Then finally a young soccer star leaving home for college or even a career?   He is thinking back to all of the family time, and how it made him who he is today.   Compass Sports Equipment would be very prominent in every commercial, every picture, and the slogan 'The Family Way' or something along those lines."

Can looked at his wife with admiration saying, "You are amazing, please be a consultant with us on this campaign.  These ideas are perfect and you are right, not done before.  Please think about it and come in for our meeting tomorrow.   We can present to the team and you can present to the client afterwards.  I know Baba and Emre will agree when they hear your ideas.   We could ask your Anne and Mihriban to keep the babies for one day, please consider coming in with me tomorrow?"

Sanem replied, "I will come tomorrow, but I really don't want to start working there again.  I like staying with our babies and writing when I can.   I love you and love spending time with you, but I prefer home."

Can jumped up saying I will call Anne and Mihriban, and ask them to help tomorrow.  Sanem just laughed at his enthusiasm and went to check on their babies.

Going into the Agency, made Sanem a little nervous, especially after the Ceyda incidents.   She wanted Can to be happy, so here she was, going in like the old days, just different.   All of the team was really excited to hear Sanem's ideas for the Compass Account.  They actually cheered when Can said, she had some different ideas.   She started by showing the drawings, she had Can do for her, as he is a very talented artist.   She showed all of the ideas that she had, and then told them the slogan.

Everyone, even Deren was so happy with her ideas, and happy she would work with them.     Sanem said, "Just today, because I have three babies that need me, but I will help when I can."   CeyCey said, "You can always bring the babies with you and we will help.   I love your babies."   Can just grinned when Sanem looked at him, and smiled.

After lunch was the meeting with the Compass Sports new director.   Sanem was very nervous, but felt better that Can was sitting with her.   Deren brought the new director, Ibrahim Celikkol into the conference room.   As she was introducing everyone, Can noticed him looking at Sanem.    He was thinking, oh no, here we go again, as he remembered Fabri doing the same thing.   He looked at Sanem who was looking at her notes, when Deren called her name, she looked up and jumped up from her seat saying, "Ibrahim, how are you?    It has been so long, how is your family?"   Everyone at the table was watching Can, but even though he did not like someone else hugging his wife, he trusted her.

Sanem grabbed Ibrahim's hand saying, "This is my husband Can.  Can this is my friend from school days.   He was my best friend in school, and he helped keep me out of too much trouble."   Ibrahim laughing while shaking Can's hand said, "You know how hard of a job that is, she was always in trouble."  Sanem went and stood by Can putting her arm around his waist saying, "You two can discuss this later or not, I am sorry to interrupt the meeting everyone."

All of the team had a seat, and Deren offered Ibrahim tea, he said, "No thank you, just a little water will be fine."

Ibrahim said, "If okay I would like to start by apologizing to all of you for the way my cousin, Ceyda has been acting.   As you know she was arrested yesterday, but she was bailed out this morning.  She has been sent to a hospital for personality disorders and sexual addictions, in another part of Turkey.   Her Baba has a lot of influence with the police department and that is why she has gotten away with so much her whole life.  Now tell me about this campaign you have for Compass Sports, I have been working with Ceyda for a while.   She has personal problems, but she does know about Compass Sports and business, so I have learned a lot.  I am willing to learn more."

Can nodded at Deren, who started telling Ibrahim about some of their previous ideas, then she said, "Can ask Sanem yesterday, to help us come up with some new ideas.  Sanem used to work with us before her marriage, her bestselling novel, and babies.   She is amazingly creative.   Sanem go ahead and present your ideas."

Sanem stood up at the drawing board, looked at Can, and took a deep breath.   She started by showing the drawings of her ideas, and finished up explaining how the slogan would go with the story line.    After she finished, she sat down with Can and held his hand under the table.  Ibrahim sat quietly for a minute, taking notes.   He raised his head up and said to Can, "That was brilliant. Of course your Agency will be in charge of this campaign.  This is the best idea ever, and my mind is bursting with ideas of products to include in the ads.   Now I would like to ask that Sanem be placed in charge of the campaign."

Everyone in the room looked at Sanem, she smiled and told Ibrahim, "I appreciate your confidence in me, my friend, but I have three six week old babies, and they need me more than this campaign.   Please be reassured that this Agency is the best in Turkey, and the people in this Agency are brilliant.   I know you will be happy with everyone you work with here."

Ibrahim looked at Sanem and Can, saying "Congratulations. I do understand as my wife and I have a four month old son, who still does not know how to sleep at night.   I cannot even imagine, three babies, keeping us awake at night.   I will be more than happy to work with any of you, but please don't ask me to babysit Sanem and Can's babies."  The whole room had a good laugh, and got down to business.

At the end of the meeting, Ibrahim said, to Can and Sanem, "I would love for you to meet my wife and son, please let me know when we can get together.   It might be better, if we come to you, instead of you bringing three very young babies out."   They made plans to get together very soon, and Ibrahim gave Sanem both his and his wife's phone number.   After he left Can turned to Sanem saying, "Are you ready to head home?"   Sanem said, "Please, you know me so well.  I miss our babies."  

On the drive home, Can told her how proud he was of her, and so happy she is his wife and the mother of their babies.   But he doesn't want to see her hug any other men.  She just laughed at him, kissed his hand, and closed her eyes and fell asleep till they got home. 

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