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Sanem and Leyla went to her appointment with the OB, Dr. Yaman.   After an ultra sound, she was told that the babies were growing well and she was about five weeks pregnant, per size.   Sanem gave him the actual date of conception, as she remembered it well.  When he said, "Babies!" Sanem and Leyla gasped and just looked at each other, as the doctor continued, "Right now I see two babies, but it is still so early, we will need to do another ultra sound again in about six weeks.   I would like to see you again in about three weeks.   Please call if any problems."

Sanem and Leyla left the office holding hands and crying, they were so happy that the baby was okay.  They were also shocked that there was more than one baby.   They sat down on a bench outside of the hospital, and neither one said anything at first.  Leyla finally said, "Sister, what are we going to do?"   Sanem just shook her head, and finally smiled and replied, "I am having babies!  I will have to tell Anne and Baba, but not now.   Can we keep our secret a little longer?   I know I will have to tell Can, but I want to wait just a little and tell him face to face.   I hope I will be out of this cast on my shoulder and arm soon, so I can enjoy this time.  You go back to work and I will take a taxi to see Anne and Baba, and then back to the farm."

They hugged and Sanem left to visit her parents.   She slipped out of the taxi, and into her parent's home, calling for her Anne as she went up the stairs.   Her Baba was home for lunch and reached her first for a hug.   They spent the meal time laughing and talking.   She didn't want to talk about why she had been to Can's hut or Polen hitting her, so they didn't push her for answers now.  They had missed her so much, as she had missed them, and wanted her to come home.  She told them she was so happy at the farm and was writing so much that she would probably stay for a while longer.   They were proud that her first book was recently published.   They were shocked at the amount of money she gave them from her book contract, but very thankful as it helped them so much.    Her parents were sad that she wasn't moving back home now, but understood, and agreed if it was okay with Mihriban.   They would try to visit soon and see where she is staying.   Sanem was grateful, that they agreed, as she needed to keep her secret just a little longer.   After visiting for a while, Sanem packed some more of her things to take with her and hugged her parents then left in a taxi.   She knew she was going to have to buy clothes soon.   She was already wearing loose fitting clothing because of her cast, but would need more very very soon.

Meanwhile at the Fikri Harika Agency, Aziz Divit had shocked everyone the day after Can left for the Balkans, by coming to work.  Emre had rushed into Aziz's office, saying, "Baba why didn't you let me know you were coming, you could have ridden with me?"  

 As Aylin tried to sneak past the glass doors to leave, Aziz saw her and called her name.   He said, "What are you doing in my company, Aylin?   Before I left I fired you and you were forbidden to enter these offices."    Aylin replied spitefully, "I am here to see Emre, we are engaged and he invited me to come by here."

Aziz looked at Emre, and just stared at him till Emre started talking saying, "Baba you know Aylin and I are dating, it's okay for her to come by to see me."

Aziz replied, "I also know what you have been doing to our company while I've been gone.   I know about the stolen accounts and campaigns.  I know who has been behind the chaos that Can has had to put up with while in charge.   I know more than Can even knows, about you trying to use Sanem and others for your dirty work.   I know about your bargain with Fabri, that Can does not even know about.   Don't look so shocked, I have had you watched for months.   Even Can doesn't know who and how much this company is under surveillance."

Emre was shocked and said angrily, "Does Anne know what you have been doing and that you don't trust her sons?  Does Can have any idea?   Why would you do that to us?"  While Aylin just stood smirking.

Aziz said, "Huma has nothing to do with my company, I have already taken back all of the shares that you and she had.  The reason I did what I did, and hired people to watch and record everything, is Aylin.  She says she is marrying you, but she has been unfaithful.   Do you know she is not only sleeping with you, but also Fabri and another man?   The police have a warrant out for her arrest for Industrial Espionage, and should be here any minute.   Now if you want to straighten out and be my son and partner in this business, I will not file charges.  If you decide to defend Aylin, the cheating girlfriend, then I will file charges.   It is up to you, but I have faith that without her influence you will be the man you once were and are meant to be."

Emre just hung his head and would not look at Aylin, as she said, "Emre it's not true, and I love only you.  I've only ever been with you."

Aziz said, "Emre I have pictures, if you need to see them?"   Emre said, "No I believe you, I actually suspected.  I am so sorry, I will do whatever you want me to do to pay back and earn your trust, for what I have done."

As they were talking, Police officers were walking down the hallway.   Aylin started calling out, "Emre help me; I only did this stuff for us.   Don't let them take me."    Emre just sadly shook his head and turned away.   After they handcuffed Aylin and left, Aziz said, "Son she was always a bad influence, but you will have to work hard to earn my trust again.   I left Can's shares of the company intact, but he has suffered a lot at your and Aylin's hands.   What you did to Sanem, is actually shameful to such an innocent person.   She believed you because of her sister's trust in you.   Between you, Aylin, Huma, and Polen, you have ruined your brother's love for Sanem.   Now we will have to work hard to boost our reputation, with our clients, the staff, and the public again."

Aziz then called a meeting of everyone, and had Deren and CeyCey update him on all of the current accounts. 

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