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Can was in the Balkans area of Montenegro, a mountainous area.   He was to make photos for tourism, hiking, camping, and beautiful views.   He loved all of it, especially the Durmitor Center with its numerous lakes, and the Tara River Canyon.  It is the second largest canyon in the world, after the Grand Canyon in the USA.  The only thing was he was very sad, he kept thinking of how he reacted to everything since meeting Sanem.  He could not believe how cruel he had been to her, and he missed her.   Right now he had no phone service, but she probably would not have talked to him anyway.  He was only supposed to be there for four months, but when the assignment was completed, he took some time off.   He bought some camping gear for himself and went back into the mountains.   Now he had been there a total of five months already, and needed to get back to relieve his Baba at the Agency.   He packed up his campsite, and started moving out in preparation for traveling back to Istanbul.

When Sanem was about twelve weeks pregnant, her OB Dr. Yaman did another ultra-sound because she was getting so big in her abdomen.   She was not gaining weight anywhere else, but there.   Leyla went with her, as she  still had a cast on her shoulder.   When the nurse started the ultra-sound, she kind of made a gasp noise and said, "I'll be right back."  She then took off out of the room.  

Sanem grabbed Leyla's hand and said, "What's wrong sister?" Leyla said, "I can't read the picture, but I bet everything is okay, I bet she had to go to the bathroom or something."   Dr. Yaman came into to the room and said, "Let's see what we have here now."   He was quiet for a minute, just looking and Sanem started crying.  He said, "Now now, it's okay, I am just counting babies. I see three."   Sanem and Leyla both gasped and said together, "THREE!"  Dr. Yaman said, "Yes. You are having triplets, they look good, and size is perfect.   Your babies will come about thirty-eight weeks or sooner, as you are so tiny, and we will need to do a c-section for your delivery.   Now keep doing what you are doing, but I will be checking you about every three weeks for a while then every two weeks.   Now we know why your abdomen is growing so much.   Try to rest when you can and walk some everyday."

When Sanem and Leyla got outside, they just looked at each other fearfully.   Leyla said, "Sanem you are going to have to tell Anne and Baba soon.   Can is still gone so you can't tell him yet.   I don't know when he will be back, at least another month.  What do you want to do now?"  Sanem replied tearfully, "Right now I want to go back to the farm.   I think I will talk to Mihriban and ask her advice, because Anne and Baba are going to be so ashamed of me."   They hugged and Leyla went back to the Agency, while Sanem took a taxi home.  Sanem was thinking all the way home, how am I going to take care of three babies, what is Anne and Baba going to do when they find out what I've done?   She was very thankful that she had an income now, and would not have to have help from anyone, especially Can.   She would ask Mihriban about renting her little house and living there with the babies.   She was afraid that when Can found out he might take one or all the babies from her, but she knew she had to tell him anyway.   She cried quietly all the way home.

When Leyla returned to work, she was walking slowly with her head down.  She felt so bad for Sanem and all that she was going through.   She was happy that she and the babies were okay, but sad for what will happen when Sanem tells their parents and Can.   Suddenly she walked into someone, and when she looked up to say "I'm sorry", she was shocked that she had bumped into Emre.  He held her by the shoulders, saying, "Are you okay?  Have you been crying?"   He pulled her into his office asking again, "Are you okay?"   She replied, "Emre Bey, I am so sorry I wasn't looking and yes I am okay.   Just some dust in my eyes from being outside.   I will go back to work now."   Emre just stood and watched her turn and leave the office.

Sanem got out of the taxi, paid and started walking toward Mihriban's house on the hill.   She passed Bulut on the way and stopped to see what vegetables he had in his basket.   He had become such a good friend to Sanem and was like a brother to her.  He was always checking to make sure she was happy and safe.

When Sanem reached Mihriban's house, she heard voices on the patio.   When she walked around the house she was shocked to see Aziz Divit sitting with Mihriban.  They were laughing and talking.  She had only met him once, but she would never forget that meeting and how nice he was to her.   She turned to slip back around the house, when Mihriban spotted her, and said, "Sanem, come meet my old friend, Aziz."  Sanem had no choice but to turn around and go meet them.   All Sanem could think about, did Aziz Bey know about her and Can?   Aziz watched Sanem reluctantly turn around and slowly walk toward them.   He thought to himself, I need to be careful what I say to her or she will run away and hide again.   Mihriban introduced Sanem to Aziz, and Aziz just said, "We have met before many months ago at the Agency.  Sanem I was sorry to hear about your injuries and that you had resigned.  I heard many good things about you and how creative you are."   Sanem just replied, "Thank you, it was a great place to work."

Mihriban spoke up and said, "It is a small world, I didn't realize you used to work at Aziz's Agency.   Sanem writes books now, she has published one and has another almost completed."

Aziz said, "I just came back a few months ago, so Can could go on a photography shoot in the Balkans.   He should be back in a couple of months, you will have to come by and visit everyone when he returns."  He carefully watched Sanem's expression as he spoke, and saw the sadness she tried to hide from them.

Sanem said, "I need to go now, good to see you again Aziz Bey, and Mihriban I will talk with you later.   Enjoy your visit."  She turned and almost ran as safely as she could toward her house.   Mihriban said as she went out of earshot, "Sanem is the sweetest girl I have ever met, and her book is amazing.   I have an extra copy if you would like to read it."   Aziz said, "I very much would like to read it, and I hope to see her again one day, when I visit."   He then turned to Mihriban, "I will definitely be back, now that I have found you again, my love."   He gave her a kiss on the cheek and bid her a good day.   As he walked away, he wondered how he could get Can and Sanem back together.   Emre had settled down and was bending over backwards being a good son.   He felt sure he had learned his lesson about Aylin, especially when Emre found out she was sleeping with two other men at the same time.   Aziz had made sure to get rid of Fabri in their company, so Emre and Can will never have to see him again.  Fabri had left for Italy, as he was fearful of being arrested in Turkey.  Now Emre needs to just get some sense, and notice sweet Leyla.  She has loved him for years.  Then both of his sons could settle down with those wonderful Aydin girls and be happy.  He could then retire in peace, maybe with Mihriban. 

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