Chapter 9: Izuku becomes a dad

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Izuku had chosen to intern with Aizawa for a lot of reasons. He is his adoptive dad and he wants to protect him. Izuku had taught Aizawa a breathing technique for his capture weapon. He named it the Erasive breath. Izuku was out with his two friends when he felt something bump into his leg. When he looked down he saw a scared girl. "Hey there. Are you okay?" Izuku asks kneeling down to her height. At this question, the girl gripped his leg harder clearly not wanting to leave. "I'm Izuku Aizawa but call me Deku," Izukus states comforting her. "I'm sorry about Eri being a bother. She got scolded and ran off," States Overhaul. It took a second for Izuku to absorb all the information. This girl was covered in bandages. Beneath those bandages were scars. After connecting the dots Izuku became pissed. He released all of his killer intent making everyone within a mile radius drop to one knee and everyone within 4 miles froze in fear. "You," Izuku states with a demonic tone. Eri wasn't able to feel his killer intent because he thought of protecting her no matter what. Almost everyone was able to move. Izuku focused as much killer intent as he could into Overhaul and to say Overhaul was scared was an understatement. "I can honestly say I've never been more livid in my life. Even attempt to lay a finger on Eri and I'll kill you before you can blink," Izuku states with venom. "Shoto, kick his ass. I don't even want to touch the prick with my sword," Izuku states standing up and carrying Eri. 

Behind Izuku stood two people, his friends. Katsuki used to be hot-headed but had changed for the better. Looking back on it he hadn't been this furious before. Shoto was no different. Nothing compared to the furry they all felt in the moment. "So... You think abusing a child is all fun and games is it?" Shoto asks with his own venom. "First Ice: Frost Bite," Todoroki states exhaling mist as he gets in his stance. This move was created after watching Izuku did the Thunderclap flash. Shoto launches at Overhaul at neck break speeds and when his sword connects with him he freezes over completely. "Pathetic," Katsuki states with a scowl present on his face. "Scum, that's what he was," Shoto states with a similar scowl. None of their scowls was even slightly equal to Izuku's. He had gained a lot of fame recently and a lot of people wanted to talk to him but with a look that promised death if agitated on his face, no one was willing to approach him.

Izuku could be seen at an adoption centre. When he saved Eri, he instantly knew what he wanted to do. He talked to Eri about it and she was happy about it and her smile made Izuku's heart melt. Izuku could be seen barging into the UA dormitories. "Everyone come to the main entrance!" Izuku yelled and soon everyone began flooding into the common area. "Okay, everyone! This is Eri Aizawa. She is my daughter. There are going to be rules while she is around. NO swearing in front of her or I'll kill you, no inappropriate comments in front of her and not even God himself can stop me if you harm her on purpose," Izuku states in a serious tone. "Aizawa... Have you told sensei about this?" Asks Iida. "Of course I haven't. I haven't seen him yet but I can tell he'll be happy," Izuku states with a smile. "Dad, I'm hungry," Eri states tugging his trouser leg. "I'll cook you up[ some bacon and eggs now my little snowflake," Izuku states rubbing her hair. The hearts of everyone watching melted at the sight.

"So, Eri. What are your interests?" Asks Momo. "I like apples and candy apples," Eri states with a smile. "Who's your favourite hero?" Mina asks. "Deku! He's the best!" Eri yells in excitement and with a lot of joy. "What can I say snowflake, I'm just the best and so are you," Izuku states ruffling her hair. "Time to get you some clothes but because I'm not the best at fashion and normally only wear black I'll have one of the girls to do it," Izuku states with a soothing voice. "We can go," Uraraka states beside Momo and Mina. "Thank you, I'll go get money now, Eri stay her," Izuku states dashing upstairs. "So, Eri. What do you think of your dad?" Asks Mina. "He's the best! He's kind-hearted and didn't think twice about saving me. The bad guy was super scary but was too scared of Dad!" Eri states imitating Izuku's pose. "Aren't you just the cutest bundle of joy?" Izuku coo's. "Dad!" Eri yells with a smile. "Miss me already? Also, that villain won't even go near you anymore, Shoto made sure of it. I would have done it myself but I was so furious that I felt as though if I attacked him I'd end up killing all of them," Izuku states scratching the back of his neck. At this Eri smiled, she knew he cared for her and she was happy to be loved. "Here's the money, got get as many clothes and pj's you need and shoes," Izuku states giving them a massive stack of money. "Aizawa... where did you get this money?" Asks Uraraka in awe. "I got it from Overhaul and his crew. If they have that much money and spend it on research then it can go to other things instead," Izuku states. 

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