Chapter 3: The Sports Festival

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(Remember Katsuki has One for All so I'll hopefully make the fight between him and Izuku good)

No one's P.O.V.

After the incident within the USJ, everyone had a week off and upon arriving back some started conversations and some were thinking about talking to Izuku after his feat of strength alongside Katsuki. Soon the people within the classroom could hear yelling. "I told you I didn't need help, Izuku!" This could be heard from most of the classrooms and it was shouted by none other than Katsuki. "Ehhh?! It's not like I done it to help you! I wanted to fight as well!" Could be heard as a response and soon both Katsuki and Izuku could be seen entering with each other. "Wow, they both became friends really fast!" Stated Kamanari, "Yeah, it's frightening to some level, "Stated Jiro. "Ehhh?! Who said we are friends?!" Both Izuku and Katsuki yell in sync yet again but they don't end up telling one another to stop copying them which catches people off gaur in a weird way. "Hey, Katsuki! Do you think we'll be able to fight soon? I'm itching for a fight!" Izuku yells. "Ehhh?! You wanna fight me?! And to answer the question there is the sports festival but other than that we'll have to wait until hero class," Katsuki replies clearly enjoying Izuku's presence. "Sports festival?" Izuku asks shocking the class. "You don't know what that is? do you?" Katsuki asks not as surprised as the others. "Why ain't you surprised?" Asks Kirishima. "Well, he doesn't even know how to read or write so it shows how much knowledge he has," Katsuki states confusing people even more.

"How did he get in as a transfer if he doesn't know how to write?!" Yells Iida, "Ehhh?! And who the hell are you to judge my writing capabilities?! I'll kill you!" Izuku yells almost charging at Iida before Aizawaa enters. "Izuku! What have I stated about trying to fight your classmates?" Aizawa states. "That they won't be able to tank many of my punches?" Izuku asks tilting his head a bit and making a lot of people mad mainly Iida. "What do you mean I can't tank many of your shots?" Iida asks but is ignored completely. "Exactly, so don't go fighting them randomly, I told you the people you can fight," Aizawa says walking to the front of the class. "Excuse me sir but why is he not allowed to fight some of us?" Asks Kirishima. "Well he can fight you, I put you on the list because of your quirk," Aizawa states causing more confusion. "What's a quirk?" Izuku whispers to Katsuki. "It's a genetic mutation that happened a long time ago, you should probably go check if you have one," Katsuki says slightly loudly so everyone was able to hear. "You mean he doesn't know what a quirk is? How on earth did he get here?" Asks Momo. "Well he had... a different type of entrance exam, after all, it's hard not being accepted when you beat a lot of pro hero's," Aizawa states. "He did that without knowing what a quirk is or what his quirk is?" Asks Mina in shock and before anyone can start a convo they see Izuku sniff the air and walking towards Todoroki. "You smell like fire beard! I hope you ain't as weak as him!" Izuku yells getting into a stance but catching a lot of people off guard. "Izuku, he may be on the list but he isn't at 100% yet," Aizawa states, "So he's not as strong as fire beard?" Izuku asks. "Nope, not yet but Katsuki is probably stronger than Fire beard," Aizawa whispers but it was heard by four people. Katsuki, Izuku, Todoroki and Momo. "Ehhh?! Katsuki! You never told me you were strong! Fight me!" Izuku yells throwing his body towards Katsuki who barely dodges his attack. "No, you ain't the same strength as him... You are stronger! Katsuki fight me! Izuku says catching a couple of people off guard and giving Katsuki an ego boost. "Izuku, shut up and sit down," Aizawa states. "Anyway to the important part of today. "You all have 2 weeks to train for the sports festival, class dismissed. 

Once this was said Katsuki and Izuku make their way to the door (Izuku isn't allowed to wear the boar mask anymore) and upon opening it they see a ton of people. "I see class 1-A don't take the dress code seriously," One person stated, making his way to the front of the group. "Psst, Katsuki, what's he talking about?" Izuku asks. "Well, you notice how we are all wearing the same thing? That's because this our uniform, lucky for you, you don't have to follow it," Katsuki states. "Ohh the clothing the mouse gave me?! It looks like shit, I ain't wearing it!" Izuku yells while also looking around to see if anyone was on the list and soon enough he found one of them. Testsutestsu. "Hey! he's on my list something about his iron body!" Izuku yells ready to dash at him before he is stopped by Katsuki. "Izuku, just because he's on the list because of his quirk doesn't mean you can scare the guy," Katsuki says with a smirk. "I guess you got a point. Weren't we going to find out if I have a quirk?" Izuku asks Katsuki much to everyone's surprise. "He's got to be joking, right?" Asks the first guy, "Nope, he's dead serious," Katsuki says with a deadpanned face. "Well, I can copy quirks so I can check if you want," Monamoa (the first guy) says. "Yes! We can save time!" Izuku yells walking to Moanamoa and telling him to copy his quirk. "Okay, here I got," He states touching his hand only to feel nothing happen. "Okay, now that you've copied it, punch him in the stomach, we think he has a strength quirk," Kirishima states. "H-he, doesn't have one?" Monamoa states with a shock which also surprises everyone. "So he's quirkless? This is going to be interesting! They probably put him in here out of pity," States Tetsutetsu. "Hahaha! I don't have one! In your face!" Izuku yells to Katsuki who doesn't actually seem surprised. "I knew it, you are just freakishly strong. Wanna train with me for the two weeks?" Katsuki asks much to everyone's surprise. "Yes! We going to spar?" Izuku asks. "Yep and even more. When it comes to the festival try to pull your punches on the competition, don't want more broken bones," Katsuki says as most people think they are bluffing. 

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