Chapter 6: All for One

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Once everyone has gotten back from the training camp, Izuku was asked to see if he could find out where the people who attacked were located to which Izuku who used Seventh Style: Spatial Awareness to find where they are and not long after he was able to find where they were hiding. "Izuku, it would be a good idea for the 'Demon Slayers' to handle this, so you gather Bakugo and Todoroki," Eraser Head states as some agree and the others who don't know who they disagree. "There might end up being a person called All for One, we need you to defeat/kill him," All Might whispers to Izuku. "We will be near-by just in case they have Nomu's, hopefully, my presence will bring out One for All," All Might whispers to Izuku. "Fine, can you get the other two for me, I don't exactly know where Todoroki lives and I don't want to deal with Mitsuki," Izuku states. 

Soon enough, the trio was gathered. "We are assigned another task?" Todoroki asks. "Well, that isn't that surprising seeing as we are the strongest people," Katsuki states. "Okay, the plan is we go up, Katsuki knocks the door stating he wants a fight-" Izuku says but is cut off, "Why do I have to do it and it's such a weird way to confront them, we may as well storm the place," Katsuki states. "Fair point, we'll rush them!" Izuku yells sprinting into the building followed by the other two. "We are coming in!" Izuku yells kicking the wall down and looking at the Villains and instantly rendering Kurogiri unconscious. "It's showtime!" Katsuki yells jumping in and knocking out Mr Compress. "Don't hog all the fun!" Todoroki yells knocking out Dabi. "How the hell did you find us?!" Shigiraki yells. "The Seventh Style," Izuku states to Shigiraki, confusing him. Soon though, All for One makes an appearance while forcing Kurogiri's quirk to activate and taking the other villains to another place.

"You three must be 'The Demon Slayers'," All for One states. "We are and you must be All for One," Izuku states. "Oh? You've heard of me?" Asks All for One. "And so have I," Katsuki states, "Well, you are the ninth holder of One for All," AfO states. "Oh, is that the quirk All Might gave you?" Izuku asks, "Oh? You've told him, you must trust him a lot," AfO states. "You know... You talk too much," Todoroki states. "And you are the child of the #2 hero," AoF says, "Well, I'd rather be known as Izuku's student," Todoroki states. "So this young boy without a t-shirt is Izuku?" AfO asks. "Allow us to introduce ourselves, I'm Izuku, I'm quirkless, this is Katsuki, he has two quirks being explosion and One for All and this is Todoroki, his quirk is half hot, half cold," Izuku states. "Oh? A quirkless person thinks he can play the hero?" All for One states in a mocking tone. "You really think that because he's quirkless that he's useless?" Todorki asks with his fireside slowly burning up as his ice side to freeze as Bakugo enters Full Cowling 80% and explosions popping out of his hands, "Calm down, it just means that when he loses, I can brag to him that he was beaten by a quirkless boy, such as myself," Izuku states seemingly teleporting onto All for One's shoulder much to his surprise causing him to swing to where Izuku is only for him to vanish and appear by Katsuki. "One thing I've never understood about guys like you. You may be strong and have lived for a long time but quirks will get stronger and they will eventually beat you but they were beaten to it by a trio of kids," Todoroki states finally drawing his sword, "I have damaged All Might and have gotten stronger since then. I have over 20 strength quirks and I'll be able to beat the three of you with ease,"

This last statement caused the three to snicker a bit which turned into proper laughter in the end. "What's so funny?" All for One asks. "It's just that you think hurting All Might is difficult," Katsuki states wiping away a tear. "You say that like you could beat him," All for One says slightly annoyed, "We could kill him with ease if we wanted to," Todoroki states being dead serious. "Well, I'm stronger now! I'll kill the three of you!" All for One Yells only to feel pain on his arm only to notice he's missing his forearm. "When did you do this?" All for One asks Katsuki who's holding his arm, "Well, when you were getting angry, I wanted to see if you could react to my speed," Katsuki says throwing the arm back to All for One who catches it and uses his quirk to reattach it only to fall and notice everything below his left thigh was gone and looked over to see Todoroki holding it. "He's quite slow, are you two sure he injured All Might?" Tdoroki states while throwing the opponents shin and foot to him so he could reattach it but when he does he feels pain in all but one arm only to see Izuku holding them, "Izuku, that was overkill and you know it," Katsuki states, "I wanted to see if he could react to my speed," Izuku says dropping the limbs by All for One. 'T-they are toying with me? H-how can this be?' All for One thinks to himself. When All for One stands up he instantly hardens his entire body to Diamond. "Now try and cut my limbs off!" All for One yells interrupting the trio and when he states that he feels three limbs get severed and looks over to see the trio hold a piece each. "Whoah! Is this Diamond?!" Katsuki yells. 'How are they able to cut through a diamond of that density?' All for One thinks to himself only to hear a clank on the floor and that clank being his limbs as he picks them up and attaches them yet again. 

"You going to attack us any time today?" Izuku asks making All for One angry and using all 20 strength enhancement abilities at the same time and dashes at Todoroki to punch him with all his strength only for it to not work, as soon as All for One got into Todoroki's range his arms were severed. "How are you kids so fast?" All for One asks. "Training, anyway it's time to kill your kleptomaniac ass," Katsuki states getting into a stance. "First Bomb: Explosive Swing!" Katsuki yells chopping off All for One's head killing him, 'I was beaten by kids... what a shame,' these were the last thoughts of All for One. "Kastuki you bastard! I wanted to kill him!" Todoroki yells. "You could have when he charged at you but you only cut his arm, you were toying with him," Katsuki states. "Time to help others with the Nomu," Izuku could be heard saying despite him not being there and already killing the Nomu. "Hey! Leave some for us!" Todoroki and Bakugo yell whilst dashing to the scene. "I-it's just a bunch of kids?!" Yells a sidekick from Endeavour's agency. "So? We helped out didn't we and we were already given permission to use quirks despite me not having one," Izuku states already in front of the sidekick scaring him slightly. "You two always hang out with my son!" Endeavour states walking up to the trio. "So? what's your point?" Katsuki asks. "He's much stronger now than he was before and he uses two swords instead," Endeavour continues, "That's because of the training we do," Izuku states, "What do you do for training?" Asks Endeavour. "Fuck off, we won't tell you," Katsuki states. "Acting like tough children now? Don't you think you are getting cockey?" Endeavour asks with a smirk. "Flame Beard. Fuck off before I kill you, the three of us have a licence to kill as long as we have a reason and currently this situation could be seen as you threatening us not to mention the abuse Todoroki and his family had to suffer," Izuku states with bloodlust causing Endeavour to freeze up. "We'll be taking our leave now, so goodbye," Katsuki interrupts as the trio walk away. 

To be continued...

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