chapter 12

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Song: Loner------ Kali Ushis

Leonard pov..

I could not wrap my hands around the situation; I could sense my body changing color.

I kept my cool, I need to be stable, I needed to know what Arica was on to.

I looked at her and she pouted....have a big mouth Arica" Greg snap at her angrily, his venom coming to the surface.

What was his problem?

It not as if he were my brother, right?

Hell no!

"Really, big mouth?" She snapped, "Can't you see how he misses his brother so much, the bastard broke him into a thousand pieces by not showing up after so many years.

"Thirteen years" I muttered making everyone looked at me with pity..

I snap my head to them; this is what I do not need.


"You guys should stop looking at me, I can't stand it!" I roar, I could feel my demon, I could tell my vain were turning black...

Hayden approaches me but I did what not anyone in his right mind would do to his or her mate. I threw him out of my sight like a sheet of paper.

I looked at him noticing the damage I had cost him and decided it was best I disappear.

I ran across the room, bashing against the front door, it cannot be happening, no it not him. I chanted running as far as I could away from everyone.

My chest rising and falling, I did not know where to go so I kept running and running until I found myself in a cross road..

I looked back and looked forward, and the next thing I did was to run again, running I did, I kept running as tears clouded my eyes. It can't be him, my mind flashed back to thirteen years ago.

"Liam! help, I can't feel my legs" I cried out in pain making him rushed down to me, I was stuck

He held the burning iron and lifted it up so I could remove my legs, I knew his hands were beyond damage,

"Mum!" I cried out as I saw her coming from the stair case towards us but got hit by a flaming wood..

"Mom!!" I shouted as I ran towards her and again I fell, I always fall.

"Get dad!" I said, ordering him while I was still on the floor.

I dragged myself towards Mum, she never cared for me, and she and Dad always favored Liam more than me, I felt neglected all my life.

I kept dragging myself towards her and, she fainted when I reached her, I looked at the wood close to her legs as I raised it up with my bare hand, taking as much pain as I could.

I was only five years old, my bones were not strong but I did it for my mum, I wanted her safe.. as soon as I lifted it up, Liam came rushing in with dad, thank God dad wasn't hurt, he looked at me with the look of pity.

He saw me as a weeklong, not that he was not wrong anyway, he held onto Mum and ushered us towards the rusted burning front door.

I was about to carry my foot again when I felt the sudden pain down my ankle, it was broken, I know it was.

Liam was at the front door when Dad shouted at him to come out, he looked at me and then back to day, not wasting much time thinking he ran to me bringing his kneels down in the process. Something I could not do.

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