The hell Jimmy what will you do, he doesn't like you? You should've stayed away from him. He wants something else, and it's not you. Why do I hope that then you are the one crying now!

“Paige and Reagan …. looks like perfect” I cried smiling at him.

“Such a perfect match” she said again.

I was even able to tap his arm as I said that to him.

“Good luck to you … I'm happy for the both of you” I said tearfully.

I will be happy for you and for her. Furthermore, I just hope she loves you the way I love you from afar. I patted his arm then turned away from him. When I turned my back on him… Damn, Jimmy the stupid idiot even fell into the pool!

“Jimmy, are you okay?” I heard Reagan ask me.

He hurried over to me and offered a hand from my ascent to the pool, but I did not accept it.

“I'm okay!” I answered him enthusiastically, even though my voice was already hoarse.

“Jimmy” Reagan pleasingly call me.

“I'm okay” I replied to him again.

My skirt was soaking wet when I went up to the pool, sobbing, I turned away from him and started to leave. I covered my mouth as I walked away.

“Jimmy, are you okay?” Reagan shouted at me, I just raised one hand to confirm to him that I was okay.

My uniform was soaking wet when I came out of the swimming pool area.

“Jimmy …” my friends said to me when I got out of the swimming pool.

I walked away from my friends for the embarrassment. I have no guts to talk to them for now. What happened was painful for me. From today on, you will cut off any connection you have with him, Jimmy. You have no room in his heart. He wants something else. And it's not you. And it will never be you.

Paige is beautiful, smart, and talented, you are nothing to her. You don't have the slightest bit of Paige, so you can't blame Reagan for liking Paige, they're a perfect match. You are just one of his schoolmates. You’re simply a nerd for him.

I was running crying when someone suddenly grabbed my arm. It was Paige, the girl he likes. She's the luckiest girl to have Reagan beside her.

“Jimmy, what's going on?” Paige asked me.

I didn't answer her, but just hugged her tightly and left. Today, I confess my feelings to him for so long now. He didn't say he loved me back. He's with someone else now, maybe it's time to move on, knowing that he would never feel the same way about me. You have no place in his heart, Jimmy, so stop dreaming that he will notice you one day. Because this is the last time you will see him. It's enough that you loved and liked him from afar and secretly, this is enough.

This day is the most painful day. Yes, I should be happy because I already graduated, but the thing here is, I confessed my feelings to Reagan, but it was too late for me because there was someone destined for him, and it wasn't me.

It's been three years I loved and wanted him from afar, this is what I got from him, when I was obsessed with him, when I admired him so much I never thought that this could happen to me. Such a stupid, Jimmy!

Maybe those three years are enough. It's enough that I'm hurting myself. Never mind Jimmy it will also pass, not now, maybe soon. Time can heal. And when that day comes, I might just laugh at myself every time I remember something like this to me.

There are times when you will really suffer from such severe pain, but when you look forward to the future you will just laugh at such events. You made the right choice, you are in the right person. What went through my mind, and I even did that? I know. I know very well how far I've come, and that's all. But you still did!

He is Reagan Dave Ramirez, my one great crush and now this is the end for the both of us. However I was the only one who is claiming it that we have US because for him, we will never be become us.

Today, I told him that I love him for so long now. He didn't say he loved me back. He's with someone else now, maybe it's time to move on, knowing that he would never feel the same way about me.

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