“If ever you get rejected.” Sam commented on what Britney told me.

“We'll just light a candle for you in the church!” Sam said it was a reason for them to laugh at me.

Hay, life!

Sam said, and I'm sure Lyka will definitely be next. That girl will not be allowed if she had nothing to say in this chapter.

“Wow, thank you for the good luck, Sammy!” I said sarcastic to her, but they just laughed at me.

“I have a good luck message for you, Jimmy!” Lyka said enthusiastically to me.

I turned my gaze to her while smiling. Miracle and she doesn't bother me now, she still knows a good luck message to me, this looks good.

“Ahem. Dear Jimmy, when you're rejected don't worry we'll just laugh at you!” Lyka was so happy that she told me why I should hit her.

I was wrong. They only made me more nervous. Son of a cat this life! When this is really going to be your friend, you really have nothing to look forward to. What will happen is pure blasphemy. What will happen to us is pure nonsense. But friends like that are better. I would rather stay with them, even if we are all crazy. Rather than stay with toxic people, they did nothing but talk to people who had nothing to do with their lives.

“You're crazy. You're always teasing me, ah!”

“Your fun to be teased Jimmy. Especially when your nose is already smoky with too much peony?” laughing, Britney said to me.

I glared at them. I can't accept that I can't even make up for them today.

“Okay! Pity me, I was going to give you all a free snacks today” I said, and let out of the five hundred peso bills that my mom just gave me.

Suddenly, the three of them fell silent and looked at each other. I stood up and smiled at the three of them. But before I could step away, Sam pulled me back to the chair.

“Son of a pussy!”

“Oh, now you're cursing us. Can we beat her, guys?” said Lyka.

“What? Could you stopped that guys! Let's focus on our mean goal today, okay?” Britney scolded Sam and Lyka who were now both holding my arms. When the two calmed down, it was only then that Britney spoke.

“Okay, let's begin …” Britney said.

They fixed me. They even put a pink headband on my head, which I really don't want. Furthermore, they applied a little powder and lip tint to my face.

Thereafter, everyone is ready to go to the gym. They said Reagan was playing basketball there. My friends are really different, their eyes are worse than the CCTV camera, three hundred and sixty degrees.

“Go, go, we'll wait for you here” they pushed me into the gym.

Carrying the chocolate into the gym. I sighed before entering the gym when I didn’t even see Reagan. I was looking around, but there was no Reagan Dave Ramirez here. Furthermore, I would have been ready to leave when--

“Oh, nerdy girl! Are you looking for Reagan?” the man in the jersey asked me while holding a ball.

“Y-Yup” I stammered in response to him, I noticed that he looked at the chocolate I was holding, so I hid it immediately.

He smiled at me before answering, “Reagan is in the locker. Just go.” he said to me while smiling.

Because he is a handsome man, even with a smile, his dimples go together. I was only one step away when he called me again.

“By the way be careful what you see inside the locker room” he told me with a smile.

I frowned at him and followed him before deciding to go to the locker room.

I was nervous while walking towards to the locker room. Furthermore, I couldn't prepare much because it was sudden. When I got to the locker room, I turned the door knob slowly when I saw Reagan. He was standing as I was about to enter, I also suddenly backed away because of what I saw. Paige kissed Reagan on the lips. And that's how fast my tears flowed from what I saw.

My whole body was trembling in disbelief, cause to drop the chocolate I was holding. I was stunned looking at them while tears were dripping. At the same time, Paige and Reagan looked at me in shock in my direction.

Reagan frowned at me as if asking me, what are you doing here, Jimmy?

“I-l'm sorry I was got lost” I said, trying not to break my voice.

I sobbed out of the gym. Son of a day, Jimmy! You should knock first! She commented to herself. I run out of the gym. My friends greeted me immediately, but I ignored them, I just passed them.

I'm sorry girls, I want to be alone this time. I don't want you to see me like this. She was just your puppy crush, Jimmy! There's nothing between you and him. So, what if Reagan had a kiss with another woman? You don't own him, so he will kiss anyone without your approval.

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