09 | october 17

172 53 14

to: yulissawong@gmail.com
from: alexis.inoke@gmail.com

subject: i betrayed you

Alexis and Yulissa. Alexis and Yulissa. Alexis and Yulissa.

Ever since we learned how to, we scrawled our names over and over again everywhere: on our treehouse, on the sidewalk, on the whiteboard, and even on the wall of your house. We thought it would never fade.

Your parents treated me like their second child, like your younger sister. Now, I stay away from them because I'm a constant reminder of their real daughter—the girl currently comatose in the hospital.

I never told them the truth. Selfish, I know, but I'm too ashamed of what I did. They would never look at me the same, and I'm a coward. I'm afraid, alright? All I can do is to live with the consequences.

When you wake up, will you forgive me? Probably not.

If you wake up.

If you wake up

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