Chapter 18

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"So, how'd your date with Castiel go?"

Jo sighs dramatically and falls back onto the bed. "It was perfect."

"Really?" Dean says, intrigued. "How so?"

"Oh, I don't know," she says. "He's just... perfect. He's everything I've ever dreamed of."

"Hmm," Dean hums.

"He's so much better than my last fake boyfriend," Jo adds, which is when Dean realizes she's just fucking with him.

"Okay, first of all," Dean says, "no one is a better fake boyfriend than I am, so jot that one down. Second of all —"

"You really just lied right to my face, huh?" Jo sits up on the bed and shoots him a fake glare.

"Right, because your fantasy romance with Castiel wasn't you lying to my face," Dean says.

"I'm allowed to lie to your face," Jo says. "That's what being a girl is."

Dean clears his throat and says, in his best announcer voice, "And welcome to today's episode of 'Things I would get canceled for if I said them in public.'"

"That sounds like a Jeopardy category," Jo says. "I'll take 'Things I would get cancelled for if I said them in public' for 500, Alex."

"I can see it now," Dean says. "Celebrity Jeopardy. No, better yet, a Jeopardy death match. You vs. me vs. Castiel. Think about the ratings."

"The average viewer age would drop by 50 years," Jo says with a laugh.

"You're not wrong," Dean says. "But, for real, how did your date go?"

Jo shrugs. "It was fine. Pretty sure I heard him talk more today than the entirety of our time on set combined, so that was cool."

"Can I ask what you guys talked about?"

"Random things," she says. "Favorite pastime, good books, funny stories from growing up."

Dean raises an eyebrow. "Childhood stories?" He wouldn't have thought Castiel would talk about his childhood much, given that he's apparently not on speaking terms with his family.

"You seem surprised," Jo remarks. "What, do I not tell you enough embarrassing stories? You wanna keep them to yourself? I don't get it."

"Oh, no, I was just wondering about his," Dean says. "What type of funny stories did he have?"

She shrugs. "Standard sibling rivalry stuff. I don't know if I can tell you specifics, though. It seems kinda... not nice."

"Fair point," Dean agrees, because she's really already answered his question. Sibling rivalries? So, his family? The family he said he hasn't spoken to in ten years? That's... interesting.

"But it really was pretty fun," Jo says. "I think I'm gonna miss dates with you more, but hey, I don't make the rules."

"Of course you liked our dates the most," Dean says. "I'm your soulmate. He's just... a dude."

"Hey, don't diss my boyfriend," Jo says teasingly.

"Ah, I'm your boyfriend," Dean says. "He's not your boyfriend for another few days."

"No, he's my boyfriend and I'm breaking the news to you in a few days so you can gather your things and skedaddle," she corrects him.

"Oh, so you're cheating on me?" Dean demands, pretending to be much more upset than he is.

Jo sniffles. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I still love you, but you're just..." A tear falls from her eye, and she wipes it away. "You're just not the one for me."

"Stop it," Dean says, immediately looking away. "No fake tears. You know they make me feel bad."

Jo laughs, her crying gone in an instant. "That's what you get for dating an actress."

"Yeah, well, it's mean and I don't appreciate it," Dean says, pouting.

Jo pats him on the shoulder. "Oh, don't worry, Dean. You'll learn to miss it when I'm gone."

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