Chapter 76

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A/N Obligatory disclaimer that the plot to Wayward Sisters literally does not matter beyond the drama it creates outside the show. I'm going to be writing some of the scenes as they film, but the actual content doesn't really matter too much; the real story part comes with the cast, not the characters. If you do try to follow along with the Wayward storyline tho, a) good luck bc I'm totally winging it and b) it has some similarities to SPN (like there's going to be a Dean/Amara parallel right off the bat) but it is its own entity and not at all a continuation of SPN season 13.

Patience Turner and Alex Jones are already on set when Castiel arrives, but Claire and Kaia are nowhere to be seen. It's Claire he's shooting his first scene with, so it looks like he's going to have to wait around until she gets here. He doesn't want to be that obnoxious guest that constantly pesters the stars -- he's been on the other end of it and it can get pretty annoying -- but he also doesn't want to seem stuck up, so he offers them a smile and a small wave from afar and calls it a day.

Alex just waves back, but Patience hops to her feet and starts walking towards him. That's what he was hoping for, though he wasn't really expecting it. As if that wasn't cool enough, Alex sees her start to walk away and follows her over, so he's going to get to meet two of them. Today is already the best day ever and he hasn't even gotten to talk to them yet.

Castiel makes his way towards them, and they meet in the middle. Now, how does he introduce himself without sounding like an overeager fangirl?

Fortunately, Patience makes the first move, holding out her hand. "Hi! I'm Patience. I'm a big fan."

"Oh, thanks!" Castiel shakes her hand politely, trying to ignore the internal happy squealing going on in his mind. Well, if she can just come out and say that she's a fan, he can do the same, right? That's not breaking any unspoken social rules? "I'm a big fan, too -- of both of you. I've been watching this show since the beginning so I'm very excited to be here."

"Believe me," Patience says, "we are just as excited to have you here. When they told us you were gonna be on the show, I thought they were pulling our leg, but you're already signed on for, what, four episodes? Five?"

"Am I?" Huh. His agent didn't tell him that. "I was just given a very vague range of dates and told to stick around, but I do like the sound of that." With a short chuckle, he adds, "I mean, I'd hope they didn't spend half a season on the seals just to drop the Lucifer plotline after an episode or two."

Patience smiles at that, clearly amused. "They didn't tell you anything about your part, did they?"

"Um..." Castiel cocks his head to the side. "I mean, they told me he's supposed to be, like, the comic relief, but I guess that's about it."

"Then you're going to be in for a surprise," Patience remarks.

"What do you mean?" Castiel asks cautiously. What else is he supposed to know?

"Lucifer and -- oh, hey, Claire and Kaia are here!" Patience stands on her toes and waves, and if Castiel was any less interested in meeting the cast, he'd be a little peeved that she didn't finish her thought.

Castiel looks over his shoulder, and sure enough, Claire and Kaia are on their way. It seems the whole gang's here now. He wonders how long they'll have to talk before he and Claire are called over for the camera rehearsal. Hopefully they get at least a minute or two, because Claire's the one he's most excited to meet. Her character, Kathryn, has always been his favorite.

When the two girls reach them, Castiel greets them with a smile. "Hi! I'm --"

"We know," Claire interrupts.

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