Chapter 20

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"So." Dean kicks his final box the final few feet to the front door. "This is it."

"That it is," Jo replies.

They stand there in silence for a few moments, neither sure what to say. They'd always known they'd have to say goodbye at some point, but their years of foresight hadn't truly prepared them for their last few moments together. As soon as Dean walks out this door, it's over. There's a paparazzi outside snapping pictures. He can't turn back just for a final goodbye with someone he's supposed to hate.

So this is their last chance.

"Thank you," Dean says finally. "For everything. This has been the best fake relationship I've ever had."

Jo cracks a smile at that. "Right back at you."

Dean kicks his box out of the way and pulls Jo into a hug. This might be the last time he gets to do this, and he wants to make the most of it.

"I'm gonna miss you," Jo murmurs.

"I'm gonna miss you, too."

Jo buried her head in his chest, and he just hugs her tighter. He's going to miss this. He's going to miss all of this. She's his best friend, and he can't see her again, just for appearances' sake. Who thought that was fair? Why did they agree to this? They should have parted amicably a few months ago. It wouldn't have generated the same heat as a supposed cheating scandal, but it would have been so much easier.

"Call me soon, okay?" Dean says. "FaceTime me. Just 'cause I'm not in your life doesn't mean I don't want to know everything."

"Only if you promise to do the same," she says. "I wanna know everything. Girls, friends, shitty record labels. Everything."

"Of course," he says. "You'll be the first person to know if literally anything happens in my life. Always have been, always will be."

Jo lets out a shaky laugh that morphs into a sob.

"Please tell me you're just trying to mess with my emotions like you love to do," Dean says quietly.

Jo shakes her head minutely. "I'm just really gonna miss seeing you."

"I know," he says. "We'll just let this thing run its course and get back to being friends in a year or so."

"But that's so long," she chokes out between sobs.

"I know," he says again, because what else can he say? It's taking all he has not to cry as it is. He doesn't want to say the wrong thing and lose his composure. Not with a camera outside.

Because that's what it all boils down to.




They finally pull apart, despite every piece of his body telling him not to. Jo wipes her tears on her sleeve, and just seeing her like this makes him want to cry, too, so he forces himself to look away.

"Good luck with your album," she says. "I hope the breakup hype helps."

"Good luck with your movie," he says. "I hope the new relationship helps."

Jo sniffles once and takes a deep breath, mostly regaining her composure. "I'll see you, Dean. Not soon, but..."

"As soon as we can," he says. "And, for the record, if Castiel hurts you in any way, I will track him down and beat his ass. Just say the word."

Jo gives him a small smile. "I know you will."

Dean pressed a kiss to the top of her forehead, and then he's off.

But just before he drives off, his car packed to the rim of boxes and suitcases full of every single thing he kept at Jo's house, he glances back at the doorway...

Just in time to see Jo close the door.

And that's it.

They're over.

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