Chapter 30

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TW: rape, talk of Karla (2007)

When Castiel can't provide anything to watch that would be more enjoyable than jumping into a pit of lava, Dean is left to search for something himself. Just as Castiel had suggested, though he said it almost sarcastically, he checks out the guy's IMDb page for suggestions.

From what Dean gathers, he's played a lot of supporting characters in a lot of popular movies and tv shows. It's a pretty good plan, he must admit. Build a small group of fans that respect you a lot, not draw attention to yourself for something horrible.

But there's one movie that doesn't quite fit that criteria.


Just the description blows his mind. It just sounds so... wrong?

"Based on real events, Paul Bernardo and his wife, Karla Homolka, kidnap, sexually abuse, and murder three young girls."

Castiel plays Paul Bernardo, which means he definitely has had leading roles before outside of Angels and Demons. Why wouldn't he mention it? Sure, it's from fairly early in his career and it only has a 5.5/10 rating on the site, but it can't be that bad.

So Dean decides to watch it, because why not?


Dean should not have watched it.

Castiel is hot. He knows that. He'd never admit it out loud, obviously — he barely admits it to himself — but he is. That's never been a problem for Dean, though, because he likes to pretend he's straight, and he does a phenomenal job at pushing any bisexual thoughts from his mind.

It's really hard to pretend to be straight when Cas is having sex on the screen right in front of him.

It's also really hard to be turned on when the sex he sees Cas having is actually rape.

So those first few minutes were great. There were some parts in the beginning that definitely turned him on, and he will 100% lie to himself and say it was because of the girl. Unfortunately, by the end, he's never felt so uncomfortable in his life.

Why would Castiel even take that role? That was awful! Yes, he got to see Cas naked, but at what cost?

It doesn't take much research to find that, much like Misha Collins, Cas hates that movie and doesn't want anyone to watch it. As much as Dean wishes he knew that before watching it, he's definitely glad he found it out before he mentioned it to Castiel. That would have been very, very awkward.

And, of course, now that he's googled it, he gets to surf the suggested videos, one of which is just a very sexual scene from the movie that was 100% consensual. That link makes its home in the depths of Dean's porn bookmark folder, but he would never admit it.

With that movie over, Dean has no idea what to watch next. He surfs through Castiel's IMDb page a bit more, but most of what he's been in comes in the form of recurring characters on TV shows that are way too long for him for him to watch just to see Cas in a few episodes. He's probably got quite a few shows' fanbases obsessing over him, but Dean doesn't have this type of motivation.

So, with a sigh, he switches over to Netflix to watch the first of three finished seasons of Wayward Sisters.

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