Me x And x Cerberus (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry Tonpa. I can handle these guys. Look I have a stick, now where is the girl that was screaming? " I questioned as he grabs my hand and began pulling me away.

"Girl? Stick!? What the hell are you talking about? We have to get out of here you idiot!", he screams panicked.

"I told you Tonpa I can take them, now, what are you—Tonpa...what the hell is that!?" If I could die just from fright, this would be that moment. Of all the things in this world, I never expected to see something this terrifying in my life this close. Just out the woods behind Tonpa was a gigantic mutant animal with three heads, fangs the color of old rust with dried blood still on the, and fur the color of the dark knight. Cerberus.

I gulped, "Tonpa run!"

"Didn't I just tell you that", he screams as I yanked him forwards. 

 "Tonpa, Please tell me that Hade's pet Cerberus is just apart of my imaging nation and that he's not actually chasing us!"

Tonpa looks behind himself and quickly nods, "I wish I could, but I don't think so."

I screamed angrily as I looked back at the creature straight from hell, "What the hell kind of demonic offering did you make!?"

"Demonic offering! You think that this is my fault? I didn't do this. Besides, it's not my style", he pants, "let's cut through the woods the trees will shield us better." Tonpa sharply turns to make his way towards the woods as I start to follow but my instincts kick in last second hesitating me.

"Wait the woods?" I questioned.

"Yes come on!" Tonpa screamed as the creature roars sending vibrations through my entire body causing me to instinctively run headfirst into the woods.

This felt like a bad idea. Hisoka said to follow the abnormalities of nature but was the monster Cerberus considered that? From the looks of it, Tonpa and I were headed west when we needed to go north, and if we didn't hurry we were gonna lose the location and likely be eaten alive in a few minutes. 

"Tonpa we need to head the other way and get out of these woods", I yelled as I grabbed his arm and begin pulling him towards the north.

"What!?", he screams as he begins to pull back, "no way! These woods give us cover from that monster we need to run away from it, not towards."

"No these woods are its territory and we're just running around in it", I pulled Tonpa arm again and he pulls back and stops, "Tonpa you need to follow me".

"No! What I need to do is get away from you. If you wanna run headfirst into danger then go cause I'm not gonna die here. I've been in attempting these exams for years now. This is my eighth attempt, and honestly, I feel lucky, so I'm not going to fail", he looks at me with frustration and equally determination. Someone like him took these exams for that many years? He just wanted so bad to pass that he was willing to do anything it took to win, like give people laxatives. Fine, I'll see to it that you finally pass then.

I smiled softly, and before I could say anything to him the creature roars silencing me. I hardly pushed Tonpa and rolled towards the side as the creature rushed towards us. Cerberus lands down on the spot I just pushed us away from. I rolled my way onto my feet as I stood looking at myself for a moment. I knew I should have run away, I probably could save myself if I did, but I wouldn't leave Tonpa behind. He would finally pass, and I would make sure of that. 

"Tonpa!", I yelled, "cover your body in dirt or mud I'll mask your sent. I'll lead Cerberus away once I do head north. We don't have much time till the refugee camp rotates. Now go!"

{Protector} Hisoka x Male Reader (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now