Let's spar. I want you to do whatever it takes to hurt me, I tell her, and her eyes pop out of her head.

"Luna, with all due respect, I can't stab you," She protested. It was cute that she thought she could.

"No, you can't," I agreed. No point in lying. "But you should try."

Onyx looked at Axel, who had finally stopped being a baby and got up. "She can't be serious. The Blood Alpha would have my head on a stick," She pleaded to Axel, begging him to agree with her.

I rolled my eyes and took the knife back. I slashed it harshly against my cheek, sending blood pouring out. It wasn't a silver knife, so it wouldn't scar. Even if it did, it's not like one more scar on my face would make a difference.

Onyx gasped and covered her mouth with her hand in shock. I rolled my eyes, and used my cloak to clean the blood off of the blade, and then my cheek.

The wound had already closed.

Onyx sighed in relief. "You are absolutely insane, Luna."

I shrugged, hanging the knife back.

Show off, Axel mindlinked me, making me glare at him. He winked in response.

She took the weapon more confidently this time, and followed me to the center of the mat.

Seriously, Onyx. Nothing is off limits. I'll be disappointed if you don't hurt me, I tell her, and I mean it. If she was able to even land one hit on me, there was no way she was losing to her challenger.

She nodded hesitantly, eying the blade in suspicion.

Axel counted down, and when he said "Go", I was disappointed to see that Onyx didn't attack first.

Attack your opponent first in the challenge. She'll expect you to be too timid and scared to strike first. You'll catch her off guard, I tell her, and she nods solemnly.

She lunges with the knife, and I side-step away, slow enough to where she definitely could have stabbed me in the stomach if she was a little bit quicker.

Faster attacks. Be decisive. Don't overthink. If even one of your motions is hesitant, you're dead, I warn her.

I kick slowly aiming for her wrist, hoping she'll move it in time. She doesn't, and the knife clatters out of her hand.

She clutches her wrist and I can see that I might have kicked a little bit harder than she was used to.

Too bad.

To her credit, she swings at me again despite her injured wrist. It was too slow, so I grab her fist with my hand and spin her into me so that her hand is pinned behind her back and she is turned away from me.

Boom. You're dead, I taunt her.

I release her and she turns around to face me. I can see her eyes darkening. Good. That means her wolf is angry and wants out.

Unfortunately, just as soon as I see the fire in her, it's extinguished as her eyes return to electric blue.

She's panting slightly, but throws two more punches at me, which I dodge effortlessly. I punch her in the ribs, not hard enough to break them, like I would with Axel.

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