Chapter 14 - Mr. Mendova

Start from the beginning

Chris's father tilted his head with an obvious look of doubt on his face. "I wonder if any of you are aware of this man's history?"

Here we go.

Ricky knew that normally high ranked demons would tiptoe around each other when in an argument, but Mr. Mendova did not see Ricky as his equal. No, he instead saw him as some lesser being who should be spared the niceties of indirect insults.

"History?" Mr. Dalton asked, intrigued. "Do go on."

"Well for one..." Mr. Mendova began walking up to Ricky, each step made with an intimidating purpose. "He's an avid alcoholic who not once, but twice vomited on my lawn and trashed my car, after which he vomited in the back seat, then decided to scream obscenities while holding up the middle finger to my wife."

Things got awfully quiet in the room.

Sure, when he was younger Ricky would occasionally drink, and sure, he may or may not have had a tendency to seek out the Mendova's mansion to yell obscenities at them when they weren't home. It wasn't his fault Mrs. Mendova happened to be there that day. Who sits in a house with all the lights off? Creep!

As for the car, that was Chris's idea. It was Ricky's first time riding in such a fancy vehicle, so Chris offered to let him drive it. Ten feet later and it was crashed in a nearby pond. Ricky felt so bad that his nerves had made him nauseous, which clearly did not help the situation.

"Our Ricky did that?" Mr. Boyd sounded shocked. "I would never have guessed."   

"Ah, so you've taken to lying about your background." Mr. Mendova glared at Ricky.

Oh how he wished he could retaliate with all the rotten stuff that this man had done to him, but that's not how he should behave and he knew it. If he gave in and reacted like he used to, he would just lower himself to his level. So instead, he reacted as a High Ranked demon should.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Mr. Mendova." He ignored the topic altogether and gave a slight bow, as was custom for visiting CEOs. Standing back up, he had his business smile plastered on his face.

Chris's father simply stood there, silently, as he analyzed Ricky's reaction. He most likely expected Ricky to insult him like he used to, or make some sort of snarky remark. But no, not today. This was not the same Ricky De'stat from before.

Mr. Boyd laughed nervously as he stepped up. "Well, it seems like you two have some history, but regardless, I've worked with Mr. De'stat for years and can say that despite what you know about him, he's grown into a decent business man. As a matter of fact, he's the one who managed to get a meeting with Mr. Black himself!"

"Really? And how did a vagabond like you manage that?" Mr. Menova asked incredulously.

"You flatter me Mr. Mendova, but I didn't do anything special. I'm sure that someone like you already knows all there is to having a successful meeting with a busy CEO." Anyone unaware of the fact that the Mendovas had already failed to do what Ricky did would have thought Ricky was complimenting the man, but instead he was shoving the man's failure in his face.

Mr. Dalton and Mr. Boyd stood proudly at Ricky's professional reaction, completely unaware of the insult he had thrown out. Mr. Mendova, however, was livid. This was only apparent by his slightly shaking hands though. His overall demeanor still held an air of cool confidence as he once again looked Ricky up and down.

Ricky made sure to give him a knowing look. One that said, 'I know I succeeded where you failed, old man.'

"I see. You are quite right." Mr. Mendova relented. "I do know how to conduct business. I was merely asking out of courtesy. However you seem to have made progress in the past few years. It's....Amusing."

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