Chapter 1

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Zoe's POV:

"Whats up with you honey?" Craig asks. "Nothing" I lied. It was embarrassing to see my brother walking away sadly . We're twins and we could talked about everything . Honestly he was the only person I trust. But I can't. I simply can't. My secret would destroy everything- his life and mines. I leave my car and locked it. Then I grab my bag and my jacket and walk inside. The good old Werringtan Highschool. Its a new year, a new chance , a new beginning with some new people. I decide to go to my locker and checking my make up. I open my locker and look into the little mirror beside me. Everything's alright. I look around , searching for my boyfriend Jake. We're now 2 years together and I love this guy so much - but almost we need to talk ! That's why I was so nervous and scared. I look around the crowded floor but I can't find him. Suddenly I see the door open and Jake with another girl walk in. Everybody begins to stare at them - and at me too because I was his girlfriend . Jake put his arms around the new girls waist and kiss her on her lips. That was enough! I decide to break up with him because he cheated on me with this bitch. I walk through him and punch him in his face and scream " you're such a big asshole!" And then I walked away. Jake falls down the floor but I don't mind. I only want to cry . Everybody begins to whisper and they pointed on me but I really don't matter. I go quickly to the girls bathroom and break down behind the door . I cry loud and hard. That will be the baddest year of my life. No friends in this school, no boyfriend, many haters and my pregnancy.

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