Muu's girl

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In Vulka village-

Lo'lo burst into the barn where Daylight was laying on the hay covered floor. The Pegasus's breathing was slow. "What's wrong with her, Lauria?"

Lauria could only whip her eyes from the tears that steamed to the ground. An animal doctor was looking over her but the look on his face told Lo'lo it wasn't good.
"Daylight gave it her all to get back here to give us the message but in the end it was much for her.." Lauria explained sadly
Hearing that Lo'lo knelt to the Pegasus and placed a hand on her muzzle gently. She made a soft whiny as she pressed into his touch.
"Come on girl, you can't go yet. Who's gonna be here to greet your master if your not here." He said to her, trying to encourage the horse to hang on. Even though he knew it was in vain.

Daylight laid her head down on his lap as he stroked her neck. Nano and Myrui stood at the barn door. Lauria stroked Daylights shoulder. "You did a great job girl, you can rest now..." she said quietly

Slowly Daylights eyes closed, her breathing came to a stop. "I'll miss you girl," Lo'lo said in a somber voice, Saying good bye to the horse who was present the day when Dauwn rescued him from the river. After he was sure she was gone he got back up and went to the barn door where the brothers were.
"I'm going to the river..." Lo'lo told Nano and Myrui before passing them. He had to go somewhere else before his fury over boiled again and he unleashed that anger at someone who didn't deserve it.

Back in Reim-

It had only been one day and Mayflower was discovering Muu wasn't kidding. After Muu declared he'd teach her to fight, the short fanalis was trained to the bone. The warrior taught her everything about combat yet he wasn't gentle about the lessons, in fact, He seems to become more cruel in some way when he's fighting. In the current moment Muu leapt forward raising his sword towards the sky then swung it down, clearly he wasn't going to holding back in his swing.
"Remember! you must always keep on your toes if you don't want to be defeated in battle!" He shouted, Muu used his sword to make a cut on her clothes

"EEK!" Mayflower squealed as it happened. So far she wasn't doing well. This was like a T-rex snapping at a fly. she stumbled back, tripping on her hair and falling on her rump. When she cracked her eye open Mayflower found herself at a sword point. "I surrender.." she said quietly
Going back to that gentle smile he gave people Muu helped her back up. The smiled turned into one of disappointment however.
"Mayflower, you have made little progress since we started. It might be a bit but your level is not where you should be at. Can you tell me way battling is hard for yourself?" He asked "I know haven't fought before in your life."

"It's not just that Muu. I don't like fighting others because I know if I were to punch some random human I'd give them an concussion. So I mostly used my strength for escaping purposes." Mayflower explained.
Muu knelt to her level "I appreciate the kindness and concern you express towards others. However you need to learn there are times when you have no other choice but to fight." He smiled positively as he stood up again, "Heres an idea, Hit me."
"What?" She asked dumbfounded so he repeated "Hit me. It'll give you a confidence boost."
"Muu...I can tell your a nice guy, pushing your fighting mode aside, I don't wanna hit you. Besides Myron would roost my hide if she discovered I hit you."

Muu chuckled, "I promise this will be between us. Don't be afraid to hit me, Mayflower. We're both Fanalis so you shouldn't-" Before he could finish a fist met his cheek and eye. This fist definitely had some force in it, he fell back and landed on his rump. Muu rubbed the side of his face and looked at Mayflower, extremely stunned.
Mayflower stood there in silence with her small fist still clenched till she spoke, "..I thought you wanted me to hit you! I'm sorry!" She exclaimed in a panic "I should have aimed for the chest plate!"
Then Muu let out a belly chuckle then the chuckle turned into a hearty laugh. "I did say punch me. I just didn't expect you to hit me in the face." he stopped laughing, "I'll be honest, I never got hit punched by a girl in the face before." He chimed
"Well your face was the only spot not covered in armor." May pointed out.
"True, You observed a weak spot to attack. well done." Muu nodded.
Compared to the smile he had given her when they first met this smile he was making now was...soft and genuine. Warm.
Mayflower felt her cheeks heat up but shook her head out of it, "Thanks captain."
"I think this is a good place to stop, we'll continue tomorrow." Muu said to Mayflower as she stretched.

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