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After yet another meeting over the territory borders was complete, Muu sighed in relief as people existed. Not going to war over it was a good sign. Muu exited the room, as he strolled down the hallways he looked out at the floating new pieces of land. There was much chance in the world but he swore that he'd do what he could for the Reim Empire. If not for the people then for her over everyone else. Muu was midway when he felt a deep hunger in his core. The meeting must have been a little too long, he thought, No matter, it seemed like a calm evening. The perfect setting to go out in the town for a late supper.

Muu made his way to his destination, he thought about if the other fanalis would wanna go with him. It was a nice way to spend time with them individually. However when he approached the ones he knew most of his comrades were turning in early, were already eating, or heading to the shower rooms. Looks like he was going down to eat on his own, a little disheartening but no problem.

When going into the town. The streets and buildings were looking great again. Just as Muu smiled when he watched the people work together he heard a loud voice, "There he is!"
some women came up to speak with him. Girls coming up to him lovey dovey wasn't anything new, these girls in particular spoke to him all the time.

"Hello there, Captain Muu Alexius." one of the girls cooed. "what are you doing around town?"
Muu gave his well practiced smile to these ladies, "Oh, I'm out here for a late supper and to cool down a little. also please, just call me Muu," he replied
The girls giggled as the one talking replied "ok." in response.

"Muu, would you like some company?" a blonde girl asked
"No!" he nearly shouted but regained himself, "uh- I mean. It's quite alright, I'm actually going to work while I'm having my supper so I won't have time to socialise." he said. Most of that was pretty much a lie. He had finished up his work early then expected, there wasn't anything new to do so Tidus suggested he take the month off.

"Aw..well alright then, let's go girls." the brown haired one said.
When the girls were out of sight Muu let out a sigh of Relief. The man wasn't new to girls flirting with him but he knew most of them just wanted his states, wealth, or just his good looks.

The girls who had just spoken to him were some of his worst pursuers he had. Muu was a kind gentlemen but even he found the girls rather annoying at heart.
The thought of finding a girl never crossed his mind before, maybe once in his life but that was shoved to the grave due to it's complications.

Once Muu had caught the scent of dinner his mind was back to the subject at hand. The smell of meat, Muu did have a particular fondness for any meat type foods. The waiter sat him down on one of the outside tables in full view of the street. Clearly he was being used as an advertisement but Muu was majorly hungry at this point so he will just go with it.

Once his drink arrived he began to take a sip when he noticed a group he knew or a group of fanalis he knew well, he turned his head. "Friends, your still in Reim?" Muu asked

This got the group of fanalis's attention. They went over to Muu's table as he continued. "Lo'lo set off for Valka village this morning. you haven't gone with him?" Muu asked
The one in the middle spoke. "No, he said we could stay here this time. He insisted on going alone with his little sister." he explained
Muu let out a breath. The one on the left continued on. "Sir, we know Lo'lo's your closest allie but why was he put in charge of this squad?" he asked. Muu raised on eyebrow at them but the guy on the right clarified.

"Lo'lo doesn't seem to take the job seriously and when a task falls on him; he turns to the heads of the village for help." The Fanalis finished.

After hearing of their complaints Muu lightly responded, "There's a spark inside Lo'lo that made me put him charge. Plus, he is the one who discovered Valka village in the first place but this is a matter I will speak with him when he's back."
The Squad didn't look convinced but they left with that answer. Now Muu was in deep thought, his meal had just arrived so he went on eating as he continued to think on the subject that was brought to his attention. Lately Lo'lo has been acting distance and spacey. It's not like Muu didn't know why. he may not have known Dauwn well enough like Lo'lo did but she was important to him. still, this was his affecting the way he was doing his job.

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