Storms Ocean

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"Wake up you lazy bones, we're here!" Mayflower bellowed before blowing a horn.
This did get Muu and Lo'lo up alone with a startle from the horn. "Mayflower, why did you feel the need to do that?" Muu asked groaning a bit when he finally called down.
"It's quicker, now let's get moving. Kouen is already waiting for us above deck." Mayflower informed the two.
When she left Lo'lo moved his glaring eyes from the fat fanalis to Muu, "you sure picked a head case for a girlfriend, cap." He Sassed as muu sighed

"I told you she's not my lover." Muu corrected as he put on his traveling armor.
Lo'lo smiled cheerily at his friend's denial. The smile faded into a sad smile as he recalled a memory about him and Dauwn.

3 years ago, Lo'lo had been in recovery after getting injured heavily due to an ambush from bandits.  It was the 2nd week of the month during his stay in Vulka. Aladdin, who washed up in the village after a miscalculation with sailing, was there at the time.
The three had become friends and they were laying on a hillside, it had been a chill day so they decided to relax. Lo'lo had finally taken off the last medical bandages.

"Finally." He muttered.

Dauwn sat up from her bed of grass and looked at his body, it was covered in light scaring from his injuries but she noticed his body had way more scars then just from recent events.

"Better be careful, big guy, you'll run out of space on your body for more scars." She joked
Lo'lo looked to her and smirked, "you'd like that wouldn't you?"

Her face went red at his tease,"N-No I just meant-"
Aladdin chuckled, "you two are cute when you act like a couple."

Dauwn got up on her feet, "he's not my boyfriend, kid!"
"Yea, where do you go around teasing your seniors." Lo'lo added.
Aladdin cooked his head and laughed, "Sorry guys, but level with me. Do you two like each other?" The child asked.

Dauwn placed her hands on her hips, "yea, of course. We're friends." She replied, Lo'lo agreed with her.
"Then you shouldn't pretend you don't like each other. You may never know when you will get to say goodbye for a long time." Aladdin advised.
Lo'lo opened and closed his mouth, stunned. It puzzled him how wise this perverted little kid was. He looked to Dauwn who was looking towards him, possibly taking his advice to heart. She had a smile on her face that sent a little thump go off in his chest. When he thought about it, that moment was the beginning of his feelings for her.

Going back to the present..
Lo'lo smiled to himself when he remembered her smile but a yell from Mayflower snapped him to focus.

"Hey Lo'lo! did you hear me?"

Huh? When were they near a hill side? His dazed far out look sent the message to Mayflower that he didn't hear her, She groaned as she said again. "I said we're almost to the ocean, waters that not even Sinbad couldn't get to sail on."

"What's an ocean?" Lo'lo asked, he was only ever use to hearing the word seas. Kouen hobbled next to him, he was using Muu as a crutch.
"From what I read Oceans are bigger then seas. Sailers can explore for ages and hardly find land on an ocean." Kouen stated out of habit.

"Hm, good to know. Alright, so then we swim across?" Lo'lo suggested.
"Swim across?" Kouen replied not in annoyance but merely as disbelief. "Do you remember me in anyway?"  Lo'lo looked at him than glanced to the wooden legs kouen had.
"Oh right.." Lo'lo scratched his head.

Muu spoke up for kouen, "We know you can cross easy, Lo'lo, but Kouen had lost his ability to swim long ago. No offense." Muu shifted to kouen but rolled his eyes secretly. "Plus me and Mayflower are only half fanalis we won't make it ether."

Mayflower cleared her throat. "Even if Lo'lo did try to swim he wouldn't make it. Oceans are not only treacherous but these waters ahead will be very different then what your used to." She explained

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