Lo'lo's Story

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As Lo'lo laid on his bed with his face in his pillow he thought about his conversation with Kouen. Not only was he pissed off by it but now he was thinking about the subject. He thought about all of it, his family, his past. Worst of all the damn slavers that ruined everything! ...no, he and his brother ruined everything. All he wanted to do was forget about it. Lo'lo did forget most of it thanks to his determination for it but that Kouen just had to make those memories flooding back again!

Starting with that morning he woke up

-flash back to 23 years ago-

Lo'lo was 7 years old at the time. That morning when everything went wrong he had slept in. Lo'lo lived in a group of Fanalis around this time, his tribe were the last group of Fanalis although there could have been more before they were taken.
Lo'lo wasn't sure he didn't remain free long enough to find out.
All he was doing that morning was sleeping on his mom's back as she walked along with the others. It was another peaceful sleep too. Lo'lo was such a laid back and naive kid he'd take regular long sleeps, sometimes he still did, unaware of the dangerous of the world. Lo'lo was stirring awake when a rock hit his head. That sure woke him up more quickly then he wanted to. "Ow!" He shouted.

As a child Lo'lo was a big boy but there this one kid that rivaled him in mass, his skin tone was just a bit darker and his hair was a deep shade of red. This other kid was walking along behind Lo'lo's ma and him. The kid was whistling a tune, acting like he didn't do anything but Lo'lo knew the kid did it. He wasted no time and jumped at the kid from his ma's back. "Take this!"

Lo'lo began to wrestle with the kid but despite them being almost the same height he was slighly weaker then him, to top that this kid was being trained already. Next thing Lo'lo knew he got pinned to the ground under foot. The bigger kid began to laugh as Lo'lo struggled to get up. His Ma scolded the boy on him, "Barda, get off of Lohina!"

Lohina, That was the name given to him at birth. It was one of the memories that he couldn't get rid of. That was his true name after all.
He may not remember much from his childhood but he did remember that. Lo'lo also remember how Barda would really piss him off a lot when he was small. They would always fight over who was stronger of the two. It was always Barda who won. Lo'lo never gave up trying though.

A laughter erupted from the biggest Fanalis coming back to them, "That's how warriors are made, love."
This man who just shrugged off his mother was his father, the leader of the band and he was also... the father of Barda. The thing was Barda's mother was that she was a different fanalis women. Most of what he remembered about his father was that he was the strongest in their band, a glorious hunter, a warrior, a noble leader... and a total sleaze. His father had thought nothing of his wives's feelings when he took in multiple wives.

At the time Lo'lo didn't see anything wrong with it. He idolized his pa to no end. He wanted to be like him, so at the time he also wanted to be in charge and have plenty of good wives just like his dad.
Now he realized just how much damage his pa really did. Falling in love with Dauwn was the real eye opener. Garth, a real jealous suitor of Dauwn's, wanted to have Dauwn to himself. It might have been for magic instead of any actual love but Lo'lo felt his heart shatter when Dauwn was forced into marriage. He hated it! So looking back he now knew that his mother was hurt over and over again by his pa taking multiple women in.

The other damage was his pa's own children. He wanted a suitable child to take over when he got to old to lead. Since he had plenty of heirs running around there was definitely tons of in-fighting among the kids and parents. Lo'lo can't number the amount of siblings he had but he knew Barda well because of the constent fighting between them. His mother was his father's first wife but his pa had Barda with his second wife before Lo'lo was born. Both he and Barda were at the top of the list the band expected to take over and the rivalry for that honor wasn't pretty. There were many bitter interactions between both parties, and all his pa did was laugh it off.

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