The lost world

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Lo'lo flickered his eyes open, his head felt terrible as he sat up, holding his head. The sky was dark and the stars were out, and the air was muggy. How long was he sleeping?
Lo'lo ran his hand down his face, he was fully of his normal energy now when he got up. He stretched his back and arms.
"Glad to see your back on your feet." Kouen said behind him.

Lo'lo turned around to face the prince. He was sitting across from him, a fire sat between them. Lo'lo looked back and forth along to beach. Kouen must have known who he was looking for.
"We been here all afternoon and night. Muu and Mayflower haven't found us yet."
Lo'lo sighed, this trip sure was a pain in the ass. Now he had to look for Muu and Dauwn...wait, that's right. He looked to the odd dense forest. There was an odd mist coming from the woods, it wasn't hostile like the fog or storm but still strange.

"What do you intent to do?" Kouen asked.
Lo'lo shrugged, "Imma do what I set out to do, look for Dauwn."
Kouen raised an eyebrow, "At this time of night? You haven't been here before, you should at least wait for Mayflower and Muu." He told him. The huge fanalis didn't say anything but thought that was a good idea and sat down on log that was there. Time went by, Lo'lo kept looking into the woods then back at the fire. His impatience was setting in. He started to bounce his leg during his strained patience.

Lo'lo looked up from the ground, "I waited this long to look for Dauwn, the Captain can look after himself." He declared, Lo'lo told Kouen, to which the prince smirked,
"Striking out on your own, I see. Does this mean your tired of following Muu's orders?" He asked.
Lo'lo could see the teasing smug look from the prince and huffed,
"Yea right, I'm still sworn to Muu. I'm just gonna start looking for Dauwn then I'll look for Muu at the same time." Lo'lo told him.

There was a moment when Kouen didn't say anything tell he opened his mouth again, "And say, if Muu did find us eventually on your search but he wanted to do something different besides help you look for this, Dawn?"
At first Lo'lo didn't know what the prince was getting at, "Muu knows this mission is extremely important to me. Even if he does want to do his own thing, I know he'll help me." He answered.
Kouen replied, "And if he disregards your quest entirely?"
Wasting no time Lo'lo snapped, his defensive instinct taking over, "shut your face, Muu isn't like that!"

Kouen shut his eyes with amusement towards Lo'lo's dog like loyalty.
"If you say so." He finished as Kouen laid down on the sand beach.
Lo'lo glared at him till the prince was sleeping soundly.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" Lo'lo thought to himself, He found himself hating this prince even more now. A part of him wished that he could just head into the forest and ditch this guy here. However it was true that he didn't know these lands and it would be nice to wait till Mayflower showed up with Muu. She was suppose to be their guide after all. So for once in a long time, he followed a humans example and laid on the ground to fall asleep. His thoughts went off to imagined finding his girl, her smiling face was on his mind. Lo'lo dreamt about the two of them going back home with her. He only hoped Muu made it off the boat in one piece.

Somewhere else--

The sun started to peak its rays onto Muu's face. The ground was softer then he thought it would be, he remembered the moment he was thrown over board with the rest of the crew. Once his memory caught up to him he opened his eyes immediately. 
The first thing he saw was a grey bricked ceiling. He sat up straight, he discovered that he was sitting in a bed. Muu was confused, was this a dream?
The room looked a bedroom but not one he was familiar with. The wall was grey bricked like the ceiling and floor. The decor was golden and metal, expect for his bed which was wood and soft material.
White curtains blew softly by a gentle breeze. Muu took a moment and smelt the air, It was pleasant, there was pine trees out there and a hint of some baked food below. This has to be a full sized kingdom.
For all the prize he gave to Reim the one complaint he did have was the foul odor that hung in the air.
When he listened in to the commotion in this kingdom he could hear chatter and giggling of children and adults outside. Muu opened the curtains to see the view, his mouth hung from the sight,  for miles was just forests they weren't overbearing. Mountains were far in the distance. Below him was the city this kingdom surrounded. The city was built within the forest almost melting into the trees and forest ground. Muu hadn't seen anything like this before.
A voice spoke behind him, "Quite something isn't it?"

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