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jonah traced the lining of his ribs that were poking out of his shirt. "jo?" the brunette quickly threw on a sweatshirt as his door opened. "hey, you good, bro? you look like shit" corbyn asked, standing in the doorway. "who let you in?" jonah asked, ignoring his question. "your sister, answer the question," he said, blocking the doorway. "i'm fine, now move" jonah said and corbyn rolled his eyes and stepped out of the way. "i'm serious, jonah, you look like shit" he repeated and jonah let out a sigh in frustration. "i know i look like shit, it's called being fucked up" the brunette said, rubbing his face with his hands.

"you're not fucked up, jonah" corbyn said softly and jonah scoffed. "trust me, besson. i am indeed fucked up" the brunette said grabbing his keys off the counter. "stop it, jonah. just because you're gay, doesn't mean you're fucked up" corbyn said, his voice tender. jonah looked at him with curiosity. "look, corbyn, i'm fucked up in many other ways, trust me" jonah said, not daring to spill his biggest scar.


corbyn looked at jonah as he was driving. he noticed that jonah seemed a lot skinnier and he was wearing a lot of sweatshirts lately that seemed to be really baggy on him. "i can feel you staring at me, besson" jonah said and corbyn looked away, then back at jonah. "you know you can always tell me what's going on, right?" corbyn said and jonah laughed. "yeah, i know, besson" corbyn didn't believe for a second that jonah was okay, but he didn't want to question the boy anymore.

jonah made his way through the halls with his hood over his head and his hands shoved in his pockets. he found his locker and opened it up to have a note fall out. jonah bent down and picked the note up, opening it. 'you know where and what baby boy' jonah sighed and shoved the note in his pocket.

jonah found the person he feared most waiting for him, but jonah walked right past him, which probably wasn't a good idea, because jonah was grabbed by the hood and dragged into an empty room. "you tried to escape me?" the boy said, faking a sad voice and jonah let out a small whimper. "you know what happens when you disobey me" he sneered. he grabbed a blindfold and some tape. he put the blindfold on jonah and taped his mouth shut. the boy slid off jonah's sweatpants and boxers and traced jonah. "baby boy has done what daddy has told him to do, baby boy is much weaker for daddy" the boy taunted as he began to torture jonah, who couldn't bare to move.

the person jonah feared most was zach herron

when zach left jonah took off the blindfold and ripped the piece of tape off his mouth. he let out a small whimper and pulled up his pants. he made sure the coast was clear before he made his way to the bathroom. he washed his face and dried it with a towel. jonah made his way out of the bathroom slowly, he looked beside him and saw corbyn. "what?" jonah snapped and corbyn shrugged. "i saw you run to the bathroom, are you okay?" corbyn asked and jonah nodded

"yeah, i'm fine, corbyn" jonah lied, walking away from corbyn. corbyn caught up to jonah, to which jonah let out a sigh in frustration. "what do you want, corbyn!" jonah snapped and corbyn rolled his eyes. "i know you're not okay, jonah. you don't think i notice it but i do. i notice that the sweatshirts that used to be tight on you are now extremely baggy. i know the happy jonah marais i used to know is gone, and i can't help but wonder if i'm ever gonna get him back" corbyn said, and a tear fell down his face.

jonah's face softened and he put his hands on corbyn's shoulders. "oh, corbyn, don't worry about me, i'm gonna be fine" jonah lied, though he wasn't really sure it was a lie anymore. "could i stay at your house tonight, my parents are fighting again" corbyn said, changing the subject. "i guess. no one else but me and esther are gonna be home" jonah replied and corbyn smiled. "well, go home, you look like shit" corbyn said, running off, causing jonah to smile. the boy couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to stay alive.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 19 ⏰

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