Chapter 20

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Percy POV

"I'm sure they'll try again." Luke said as he looked at all of us. He had called for a meeting right after Damien had sent me home. Annabeth, Nico, Leo, Jason, Thalia and Chiron were here as well for whatever reason.

"But End is with us now, right?" Annabeth said. Now and then she was secretly glancing at me who, thank chaos, didn't have to wear the cloak any longer. Though I wasn't sure why exactly she glanced at me.

"they're not powerful enough to go against him.." she added, which in my opinion was stupid, but Luke just calmly explained it for me.

"Do you really think End is the only new ally they got themselves? They knew End was uncontrollable and also only helping them because of one thing. " he looked at me for a second before continuing.

"think, what would you do if you known the strongest person on your team could rebel against you at any minute?"

Annabeth seemed to think for a second. "I'd get an even stronger ally. Though, even then.. wouldn't the chance of that new ally betraying me still be there?... Unless..."

"unless hate is involved. Which it is. I'm sure there's enough creatures out there that either hate End or the God's.." Zoe said a bit smugly.

"A creature confident enough to take on Chaos soldiers and End? Plus demigods and gods? I don't think there is one." Castor concluded and I decided to keep my mouth shut for once.

"unless... I heard Chaos is not fond of the God's way to rule.. And that he despises End.."

"haha!" everyone looked at me as I burst out laughing.

"haha, Chaos may hate End but he'd never fight in a war if he doesn't have to, he's way too nice to do that!"
Chaos being an evil mastermind was just such a weird thought that it was actually funny.

Everybody just stared at me.

"..... Or at least that's what I heard.." I quickly added suddenly super serious again. Right. They didn't know that I know Chaos.. Or that he's my Dad..

They all thankfully just went back to their talk.

"yeah. Chaos wouldn't be the new ally. If he was then he wouldn't have send part of his army in the first place." Bianca said and Silena nodded in agreement.

They were of course right. Chaos would never do such a thing. But it was also right that they probably have another ally. But who could it be? Another being on the same level as End and Chaos or possibly stronger... I couldn't think of anyone.

"Percy you've been awfully quiet for a while now. Anything on your mind?" suddenly Thalia asked. I looked up surprised, snapping out of my daydream. Everyone was looking at me. Huh? Did I just miss a part of the conversation?..

I just did my best to smile."oh no. I'm fine.. I was just deep in thought. Though... Wouldn't it be better to just ask End if he knows anything? He was with them for some time after all. Maybe you can build up a theory with some new information from him?" I said and everyone just stared at me blankly.

"...Percy actually got intelligent.." Leo muttered astonished which Calypso softly hit him for.

Ok that was mean..

"Never thought I'd see the day.." Thalia joined in.

"Oi. I'm a few thousand years older now. Of course I'd learn some more." I said slightly irritated.

Everyone suddenly seemed as if the world made sense again.

"that makes sense.." Nico said and everyone nodded.

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